I’m working on a geography discussion question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.
This is an AQA A-Level question, I will provide the mark scheme for this question below.
Awareness of factors in natural population change. Key vitalpopulation rates, specifically fertility rates. Knowledge andunderstanding of the factors affecting fertility rates.
Knowledge of changes in fertility rates. Marked decline since the
1980s, expected to reach below replacement level by 2050 in the
majority of lower income countries. Below replacement fertility in
the developed regions, expected to continue to 2050
Variation in fertility rates in different parts of the world, and
appreciation that considerable differences exist between regions
and countries.
Fertility remains at high levels in some countries, mainly located in
sub-Saharan Africa and parts of western Asia.
Awareness of recent changes in fertility, for instance much of Asia
and Latin America have witnessed significant fertility transition so
that although there is still demographic momentum, fertility has
fallen dramatically. India for example has fallen from 6 to 3 in the
past 30 to 40 years.
Understanding of factors affecting fertility rates, including
(traditionally) importance of children as a part of the labour force,
levels of urbanisation, cost of raising and educating children,
educational and employment opportunities for women, infant
mortality rates, availability of private and public pension systems,
availability of legal abortions, availability of reliable birth control
methods, religious beliefs, traditions and cultural norms.
Understanding of improvements to health care including vaccination
programmes, and wider access to hospitals and doctors. Reduced
levels of infant mortality in many lower income countries. Similarly
health care may entail provision of family planning services,
education about STIs and pregnancy, as well as contraception and
abortion availability.
Understanding of the concept of food security, which exists when all
people at all times have access to sufficient, safe, nutritious food to
maintain a healthy and active life.
Understanding of improvements to food security and diet, and
variations between different areas. In the 1960s probably more than
half the people in low-income countries suffered from
chronic under-nutrition, but this has dropped to less than 20%
today. However there is still much variation in food production and
Evaluation of the significance of the link between fertility and healthcare. Rapidly reducing infant mortality rates resulting fromimprovements to medical care, especially maternity and post-natalcare, leading to lower fertility rates, as majority of children survive. MARK SCHEME A-LEVEL GEOGRAPHY PAPER 2 ADDITIONAL SPECIMEN41Higher income countries will be able to afford the health care,medicines, and specialist facilities that will keep infants alive. Evaluation of the possible link between fertility and food security.Greater and consistent food availability resulting in security andreduced fertility as diets improve. Overpopulated areas place morepressure on available food resources which impinges on fertility. Analysis of the variety in fertility experiences amongst the lowincome countries suggesting that high fertility may still be an issuein parts of the world, particularly where health care is still poor andfood supply unreliable. However other factors may be moreinfluential in maintaining high fertility rates. Evaluation of possible concerns that many high income countrieshave regarding their too low fertility. Concerns regarding futuredependency issues such as labour levels and long termemployment rates. Evaluation of the complexity of explanations which may account forthe mix of fertility rates in different parts of the world. Simplistic linkwith health care or food security is questionable. Improvements tohealth care likely to be of greater significance than food security,although they are, to some extent, interrelated. Evaluation of other factors. Growth of wealth and humandevelopment and higher quality of education for women are relatedto sub-replacement fertility. High costs of living and job insecuritycan make it difficult for young people to start families. Legalisation,and widespread acceptance, of contraception and abortion in mostparts of the world may be the most crucial factors in decreasedfertility levels.