COMM 2293 Southern Methodist University Professional Business Style Discussion
Question Description
A4 Organization and Channel
Check the organization and channel by answering the following questions about your assignment.
Are there four distinct sections in the assignment?
- To
- From
- Date
- Subject
Section 1 – Attention
- Does the subject line give away the request?
- YES? IT IS TOO DIRECT! Revise the subject line.
- Does the subject line grab your attention?
- YES? Good!
- NO? Subject line needs revision!
- Does the opening give away the request?
- YES? IT IS TOO DIRECT! Revise the opening.
- Is the opening effective? Is it a good way to get your bosss attention? Did it grab your attention?
- Is it written with the you view in mind?
- Can you think of a better way to grab the readers attention?
- Remember!: Opening paragraph should be no more than two sentences.
Example: in this scenario, the writer of the message is trying to convince Harvest Grocery to stop using plastic bags. You’ll see, in the subject and opening of this letter, that at no point does the writer mention plastic bags at all. Instead, the writer tries to hook the reader with a tantalizing question–one that cannot be answered yes or no
Section 2 – Interest
- Highlight any signal phrases in this section.
- No signal phrases? That means there’s either no research in this section, or that research is plagiarized. Revise.
- How do you build interest?
- If the opening asked a question, does this paragraph answer that question?
- Does the paragraph present research by:
- Using statistical information to help you to explain why this is an important issue in which the reader should be interested?
- using specific evidence to avoid vague, generalized, and unsubstantiated statements?
- Or presenting the issue as a problem that going paperless could solve (supported by research)?
- If your opening asked a question, does this paragraph answer that question?
- Do you:
- customize all facts to meet the specific concerns of the reader?
- introduce all paraphrased information from sources with an informative signal phrase? (e.g. According to Jones, )
Note that this (partial) interest paragraph uses a signal phrase to introduce research that relates directly to the question asked in the opening.
- Does the subject line give away the request?
The Main Purpose/Ask/Request
- Find the sentence that clearly states the subject/makes a request.
- Is it positioned at the end of the second section or the beginning of the third?
- If so, congratulations! It’s in the correct spot!
- If not, it needs to be moved
- If its missing, it’s time to write it!
Section Three – Desire
- Underline each signal phrase
- No signal phrases? Time to Write Them!
- Put a star (*) beside the sentence(s) that reduces resistance.
- No star? Time to add some sentences that reduce resistance.
- Does this paragraph:
- Outline the benefits of the action?
- Use signal phrases to introduce researched information? Ex: According to a national report by the Senate
- Acknowledge readers resistance and offer a counter argument to reduce that resistance?
- Tailor all reader benefits and counter-arguments to meet the specific information needs and concerns of the reader?
This example starts by recognizing the reader’s resistance (“customers will react negatively”), and cites research, complete with signal phrase, to counter that resistance.
Section 4 – Action
- Does this paragraph:
- Restate the request?
- Get the reader to take action by suggesting a concrete first step?
- Tell the reader how to contact the writer without making demands?
- Build goodwill by personalizing the message?
- Underline the action statement.
- Is the action clear?
- Is it easy to follow?
- Does it focus on the action and not a time frame?
Assignment Presentation
Does the message use a professional business style and presentation by
- Following all the grammar and business style points taught so far?
- Using correct email format?
- Using full-block format, single-spaced, readable 11- or 12-point font, and a ragged right margin ?
- Limiting message to one page of content (without shrinking print size or margins)?
- Avoiding APA-style page citations and reference list?
- Avoiding cliché, stereotypical business-speak, and tired expressions?
- Is it positioned at the end of the second section or the beginning of the third?
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