Florida National University Community Nursing Tuberculosis Discussion
Question Description
ResearchPaper #2
Chooseany of the recent emerging / reemerging infectious disease discussedin your textbook (for example: Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome(SARS 2002-2003), Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus(MERS-CoV)- 2015-2018), Avian influenza, H1N1 Influenza (Swine Flu)Pandemic 2009-2010, Novel Avian influenza A (H7N9) Virus2013-2017, West Nile Virus, Lyme Disease, Escherichia Coli,Tuberculosis, Ebola virus disease, Zika virus disease).
- Introducethe disease
- Mentionsigns, symptoms and diagnosis of the disease.
- Outlinethe factors that may have contributed to the emergence orreemergence of this infectious diseases.
- Howwould you prevent similar occurrence? Mention the goals of HealthPeople 2020 to reduce this infection / Prevention and control of thedisease / Infection Control Guidelines.
- Isthere a CDC priority for public health response to this specificinfectious disease?
- Whatis your thought about emerging antibiotic -resistant microorganisms?
- Whatis your role as a community health nurse?
- Mentionresearch studiesrelated with the topics discussed in your paper (mention at least 3research studies in paper).
ResearchAssignment # 2
The student willchoose (1) ofthe recent emerging / reemerging infectious disease (some exampleswere provided) to develop the research project. Also, thestudent will use given questions to guide the paper.
- Youwill submit one (1) paper as part of this assignment (individualassignment).
- Yourresearch paper must follow APA format according to PublicationManual American Psychological Association (APA) (7th ed.). Include acover page and headings per 7thedition APA guidelines.
- The research papershould be minimum of 3 pages (not including the title or referencepages) maximum of 6 pages (not including the title or referencepages), single spaced, Times New Roman, Size 12, and 5 referencesabout the topic (3 must be peer-reviewed journal articles).
Includethe following components:
- Introductionof thedisease
- Mentionsigns and symptoms of the disease. How do you diagnose thisinfectious disease?
- Outlinethe factors that may have contributed to the emergence orreemergence of this infectious diseases.
- Howwould you prevent similar occurrence? Mention the goals of HealthPeople 2020 to reduce this infection / Prevention and control of thedisease / Infection Control Guidelines.
- Isthere a CDC priority for public health response to this specificinfectious disease?
- Whatis your thought about emerging antibiotic -resistant microorganisms?
- Whatis your role as a community health nurse?
- Mentionresearch studies related with the topics discussed in your paper(mention at least 3 research studies in paper).
- Conclusion
- ReferencesPage
MAXIMUNPOINTS 100ResearchAssignment #2
Thestudent will read and understand the different emerging / reemerginginfectious diseases discussed in the textbook (chapter 15) and willchoose one to develop this project. The student will follow the givenquestions (1 through 8) that will serve as a guide for this project.Also, the student will explain key concepts and search and evaluateliterature relevant to the topic / evidence of literature thatsupports arguments.
General directions
- You will submit one (1) paperas part of this assignment (individual assignment).
- Yourresearch paper must follow APA format according to PublicationManual American Psychological Association (APA) (7th ed.). Include acover page and headings per 7thedition APA guidelines.
- Theresearch paper should be minimum of 3 pages (not including the titleor reference pages) maximum of 6 pages (not including the titleor reference pages), single spaced, Times New Roman, Size 12, and 5references related to the topic (3 must be peer-reviewed journalarticles).
Research Paper
- Includethe following components in your research paper:
- Title Page
- Introduction(general)
- Introductionof the disease / problem
- Signsand symptoms and diagnosis of the disease
- Factorsthat may have contributed to the emergence or reemergence of thisinfectious diseases
- Mentionthe goals of Healthy People 2020 to reduce this infection /Prevention and control of the disease / Infection ControlGuidelines.
- CDC(priority for public health) response to this specific infectiousdisease
- Thoughtabout emerging antibiotic -resistant microorganisms
- Roleas a community health nurse
- Researchstudies (at least 3 peer-reviewed journal articles)
- Conclusion
- ReferencesPage
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