CCSF Call for Civility America Living in An Era of Heightened Incivility Discussion
Question Description
DISCUSSION- CONGRESS (initial reponse and 2 replies to classmates
Initial post Due- Thursday by 10:30pm
Replies to 2 classmate- Friday by 10:30
There are two parts to this discussion forum, so be certain to address both parts in your answer for points.
1. First, consider current events in Congress. Major legislation,like the Covid 19 relief bill, passed with votes along party lines.This means there continues to be great polarization and not bipartisanwork to reach compromise on laws. The party in control with a majorityof members in each of the chambers can pass items that need only amajority vote.
Is this an effective method to make law or policy? Why or why not?
Do you believe that we will continue to see polarization or move toward bipartisanship?
You may wish to consider this reading on Congress (Links to an external site.) and perform additional research to form your answers.
2. Next, consider that there will be elections that impact Congressnext year. These are referred to as midterm elections and the presidentwill not face election as he will be in the middle of his 4 year term.However, control of Congress can and has changed in the midtermelections which can impact what laws or policies are possible.Currently, the House of Representatives and U.S. Senate are controlledby Democrats (technically the Senate has some independents, but theytend to vote with Democrats creating a 50-50 split in voting). Rememberthat the U.S. House has 435 members and the U.S. Senate has 100. AllHouse seats are up for re-election but only one-third of the U.S, Senateseats will be elected. Note that many U.S. Senators are retiring andnot running for re-election.
For this part of the discussion, give your midterm election Congressoutcomes predictions – you should include your number of Democrats andRepublicans in both the House and the Senate. I have included sometools and a news clip from last November below to remind you of the lastelection races. You can use the tools below to help with your thoughtsbefore posting to this discussion and perform your own research. Youmust have numbers that add up to 435 for House seats and 100 for Senateseats and provide explanation for full credit. (Links to an external site.)
Senate Interactive Tool at 270 to Win (Links to an external site.)
Thisshort clip of coverage in November 2020 (Links to an external site.)shows that more races were contested and many were watching who will control Congress after an election.
- NOTE – this assignment is asking you what you believe voters will doon Election Day and not asking you how you will or would vote (you maychoose to share with classmates but this is not part of thisassignment).
You should include your sources and analysis. Remember that Wikipedia is not a college level source.!!
Assignment – Calls for Civility
Notes Assignment
Please read the assignment and take notes on the main ideas.Your notes should be fairly detailed (approximately 1.5 pages to 2pages) tand be based on the entire article to receive full credit. Thisassignment is in lieu of a response paper for the week and worth 10points.
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