DAC History of Cinema from 1895 to 1950 Rules of The Game & Citizen Kane Essay
Question Description
This is about HISTORY OF CINEMA (1895–1950)
Select ONEof the followingprompts:
The introduction of sound had a profound impact on all aspects of film history. CiteSIXspecific examples of dialogue, music and sound effects (D/M/E) fromJean Renoirs The Rules of the Game (1939) and Orson WellesCitizen Kane (1941)to illustratethe creative, innovative use of sound.Total supporting examples: SIXminimum, one example of dialogue, one example of music and one example of effects fromEACHfilm.
How did Renoir try to communicate through mise en scèneaesthetics in Rules of the Game? Why wereWelles and Gregg Toland technically able to use this approach in Citizen Kane? Discuss ONEsignificant scenefrom EACHfilm that depends on Renoirs deep–space and Wellesdeep–focus approach to communicate visually.
How doesONEfeaturefilmfrom this listBlackmail, It Happened One Night, The Rules of the Game, Citizen Kane, Double Indemnityreflect the socialissues andthe motion picture technologyavailableat the time of itsrelease?
Analyze Capras It Happened One Nightin respect toall aspects ofthe Classic Narrative System(includingtheheroprotagonist, 3–act structure, continuity editing). In addition, account for the box–office popularity of the screwball comedyand the relatively poor showing of Orson Welles Citizen Kane, taking into consideration viewer expectations(the fact that Wellesfilm does not adhere to the Classic Narrative System)and the optimistic theme of the Capra movieversus the downbeat theme of Wellesfilm.
Films do not change overtime, but audiences do. Upon its premiereon May 1, 1941withWorld WarIIraging abroadOrson Welles Citizen Kaneaffected viewers differently thanus in todays political and social climate.How did the themes and characterizationspeak to you as a viewer in2021?(If not, answer a different prompt.)
Billy Wilders Double Indemnity(1944) reflects 49years of film history.Looking to the past, discuss how German expressionisminfluenced the film noircontent and visual style. Also address how the featurerepresents genderand class issues.
It doesn’t need to be too long. Three pages or so is the best. Thank you.
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