Miami Dade College Social Work The Miami Dade Family Learning Partnership Paper
Question Description
Choose a local service agency (different from the one you presented with your group) and describe the population and the community they serve, services and interventions, outcome measures, and any barriers that may impact the delivery of the service. Maximum length for this assignment is six (6) pages. APA 7th
You can find over 800 nonprofit agencies active in Miami through the Miami Foundation: (Links to an external site.)
This assignment will include the following discussion points:
- An introductory paragraph that includes a thesis statement.
- Description of the agency setting. Agency settings can be primary or secondary.
- Include the organizations mission statement, basic goals, policies and client sources.
- Describe the population and the community they serve, services and interventions, outcome measures, and any barriers that may impact the delivery of the service.
- Describe at least one relationship the agency has with another agency (detached, collaborative or competitive).
- A conclusion paragraph that is a summation of your paper.
The written paper will be graded on four (4) domains (Content, Organization, Mechanics and References) using the following rubric.
Content –16pts
- Description of the agency setting. Agency settings can be primary or secondary. (4pts)
- Describe the population and the community they serve, services and interventions, outcome measures, and any barriers that may impact the delivery of the service.(4pts)
- Include the organizations mission statement, basic goals, policies and client sources.(4pts)
- Describe at least one relationship the agency has with another agency (detached, collaborative or competitive).(4pts)
Organization- 3pts
- Ideas well organized and logically presented. All information included.
- Sufficient information provided to support all elements of topic.
- Clear and appropriate organization, with effective transitions, introduction, and conclusion.
Mechanics – 3pts
- Consistent and appropriate writing style, there are no grammatical errors, there are no spelling errors. Appropriate punctuation used.
References – 3pts
- All sources properly cited in the paper. References used appropriately in paper, no errors in references, correct use of APA 7th Edition style reference
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