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University of Florida Social Work Policy and Program Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a social science discussion question and need an explanation to help me learn.

You are a MSW program manager for a community social serviceagency. The agency has 4 programs (1 school mental health middle and highschool, community mental health for adults in residential living, outpatientsubstance abuse day program for 18-50 years of age, and community Medicaidfunded program for adolescents with mental health ages 12-21 in fostercare). Your agency is under COA accreditation and funding comes fromthree different service streams (state foster care, Medicaid/school Medicaid,and grants). Covid hits your state March 2021. The CARES Act issigned and has authorized payment for individuals who cannot work because ofsafety, income decreased due Covid, while approving unemployment benefitsfor contracted workers. Funding is available for Payroll ProtectionServices for small businesses. Medicaid has authorized Telehaealthservices, however your agency never had a Telehealth policy. At thecurrent time of Covid impacting your state, services are required from allfunding sources. You are required to maintain compliance with the CARESAct, State Unemployment guidelines with the Secretary of State, COAaccreditation, funding services and clients clients are continuing tocall for services.

What are you going to do? How has this situation impact howyou advocate for your clients? Discuss youractions to maintain integrity and ethics, include your staff, and how toadvocate for clients.

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