DAC RIP and Classical Music Patricia Martínez a State of Divinity Discussion
Question Description
These papers are conceived to be more like essays than research papers (if youd rather write aresearch paper, you are welcome to do so, of course!). From the many topics, we will cover inclass, choose two (one per paper) that were especially meaningful to you. Write profusely aboutyour personal experience with the musical practices you chose, explaining why you chose them,why and how you feel connected to them, and what do you think they mean to the people whopractice them. Enrich your narrative with relevant quotes, sources, and information, but reallyfocus on describing and analyzing your personal experience, striving to make a convincing,strong argument. If you consider it relevant, compare the practices you chose with other musicalpractices you know and/or participate in. Discuss how and why those practices are important toyou and how do you think they compare to the ones we studied in class.The midterm paper should focus on a topic included in the first part of the course, i.e., any topiccovered between Weeks 1 and 5, whereas the final paper is expected to be about a topic from thesecond part of the course, i.e., any topic covered in Weeks 6 to 10. The essays should be at leastfive pages long, doubled spaced, but longer texts are encouraged.
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