Salisbury University Presidential Powers and Limitations Discussion
Question Description
To prepare for this Discussion:
- Review Interactive Unit 4, Modules 6-7 and 9-10.
- Review the assigned websites in this weeks Learning Resources.
- Review information on at least three of the executivedepartments. Think about how the executive departments of the cabinetinform the president so that he can make educated decisions.
- Reflect on these questions:
- How does the cabinet influence presidential decisions?
- Consider how the powers and limitations of the president affect decisions made by Congress.
- How might presidential powers and limitations influence the political agenda of the president?
- How might presidential powers and limitations influence the political agenda of Congressional members?
- How can federal bureaucracy assist or hinder the president in exercising influence?
- How can federal bureaucracy suspend presidential initiatives?
With these thoughts in mind:
Post:12 paragraphs identifying one limitation currently applied to thepresidency that, if removed, would increase or maximize presidentialpower. Be sure to:
- Provide a brief description of the limitation you chose.
- Explain how the president would be more powerful if this limitation were removed.
- Explain whether you think the limitation should be removed or remain in place.
- Identify and explore the constitutional role and authority ofCongress as well and consider where presidential and congressionalauthority may or have conflicted.
Include at least onereference and citation from the course readings and one reference andcitation from an article found in the Walden Library to support yourrationale.
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