Ashworth College Week 3 Stress Management Techniques Discussion Forum
Question Description
I’m working on a health & medical question and need guidance to help me learn.
Stress Management Techniques
Activity | Due Date | Format | Grading Percent |
Spirituality, Relaxation Techniques, and Health | Day 3 (1st Post) |
Discussion Forum | 5 |
Autogenic Training | Day 5 | Journal | 5 |
Stress Relaxation Techniques Midterm | Day 7 | Quiz | 12 |
Weekly Learning Outcomes
This week students will
- Evaluate the health-connection of religion and spirituality.
- Assess the benefits of meditation, autogenic training, imagery, progressive relaxation, and other relaxation techniques.
- Create a plan for being mindful.
- Evaluate autogenic training and analyze related experiences.
You made it to the third week in this coursebravo! This week will be another exciting week as you will delve into various relaxation techniques. You will also have the opportunity to explore spirituality, religion, and their relationship to stress. Lets have another fun week!
Required Resources
Greenberg, J. S. (2021). Comprehensive stress management (15th ed.). McGraw Hill.
- Chapter 9: Spirituality and Stress
- Chapter 10: Meditation
- Chapter 11: Autogenic Training, Imagery, and Progressive Relaxation
- Chapter 12: Other Relaxation Techniques
- The full-text version of this ebook is available through the RedShelf platform. Chapter 9 discusses stress and spirituality are related, Chapters 10 and 11 provide information on meditation, autogenic training, imagery, and progressive relaxation, while Chapter 12 discusses other relaxation techniques such as massage and yoga. These chapters will assist you with your Spirituality, Relaxation Techniques, and Health discussion forum, your Autogenic Training journal, and your Stress Relaxation Techniques Midterm quiz this week.
Werdel, M. B., Dy-Liacco, G. S., Ciarrocchi, J. W., Wicks, R. J., & Breslford, G. M. (2014). The unique role of spirituality in the process of growth following stress and trauma. Pastoral Psychology, 63(1), 5771.
- The full-text version of this article is available through the APA PsycInfo database in the University of Arizona Global Campus Library. This article provides information about the effects of spiritual experiences and their impacts on a persons growth after stressful or traumatic life events. It will assist you with your Spirituality, Relaxation Techniques, and Health discussion forum this week.
What meditation can do for your mind, mood, and health: Taking a few minutes to focus your mind each day can reduce stress, pain, depression, and more. (2014, August). Harvard Womens Health Watch, 21(12), 6.
- The full-text version of this article is available through the MEDLINE database in the University of Arizona Global Campus Library. This article provides information about the This article highlights the benefits of meditation, the various types of meditation, and tips on getting started. It will assist you with your Spirituality, Relaxation Techniques, and Health discussion forum this week.
The BreathSPACE. (2014, January 28). Breath & autogenics meditation (Links to an external site.) [Video]. YouTube.
- This video provides an autogenic meditation experience and will assist you with your Autogenic Training journal this week. This video has closed captioning.
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Puddicombe, A. (2012, November). All it takes is 10 mindful minutes (Links to an external site.) [Video]. TED Conferences.…
- This video features Andy Puddicombe who speaks about the benefits of being mindful. He defeats some common myths and underscores the pronounced impacts of practicing mindfulness. It will assist you with your Autogenic Training journal this week. This video has closed captioning and a transcript.
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National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (2016, May). Relaxation techniques for health (Links to an external site.). U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
- This webpage provides information about relaxation techniques, their effectiveness, and current research pertaining to the topic, and will assist you with your Autogenic Training journal this week.
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Recommended Resource
Cooper, P. G. (2006). Stress management: Mental imaging (Links to an external site.). CRS – Adult Health Advisor, 1.… management – mental imaging.pdf
- This one-page article explains what mental imaging is followed by an exampleavailable in a written format. It may assist you with your Autogenic Training journal this week.
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You made it to the third week in HWE 415 congratulations! In Week 2, you assessed intra- and interpersonal life-situations and interventions. You also evaluated perceptions via the course readings and the journal assignment and prepared a personalized intervention plan. This week, we will research numerous relaxation techniques, as well as the connection between religion, spirituality, and stress.
In Week 3, you will:
- Evaluate the health-connection of religion and spirituality.
- Assess the benefits of meditation, autogenic training, imagery, progressive relaxation, and other relaxation techniques.
- Create a plan for being mindful.
- Evaluate autogenic training and analyze related experiences.
As you read through the course materials and complete the assignments for Week 3, please think about the following questions:
- What is mindfulness and how can you apply it to your own life?
- How are religion and spirituality tied to our health in general and your life in particular?
- What is autogenic training and how can this, as well as other relaxation techniques, improve your health?
Week 3 Concepts:
This week, there will be one discussion, one journal, and one Midterm quiz to complete. Please review the following details regarding these assignments. In your discussion, you will explore what it means to be mindful by watching the TED video by Andy Puddicombe. It is only approximately 10 minutes in length but very insightful. After watching this video and studying your weeks assigned readings, you will be well-prepared to address the outlined elements pertaining to religion, spirituality, meditation, and other relaxation techniques. You will also have the opportunity to design a plan for yourself in the quest of being more mindful. Ensure your initial posting meets the minimum length requirement and entails two references: your course text and one additional source. The guided response prompt needs to be followed when replying to two of your peers. Dont forget to properly cite and reference your work, according to APA guidelines.
The Week 3 Journal assignment delves into a specific relaxation technique: autogenic training. This technique is discussed in Chapter 11 of your course text. Please read the instructions within the assignment prior to participating in the training. You will need to set 30 minutes aside for this exercise. Answer the components, as outlined in Lab 11.1. Then follow the instructions within the assignment prompt.
Finally, you will need to complete a Midterm quiz consisting of 24 multiple choice and true false questions. Questions cover Chapters 9-12 in the course text and you have 120 minutes to complete the Midterm.
Relaxation Techniques and their Benefits to our Health and Well-Being
Greenberg (2021) discusses various relaxation techniques in Chapters 10-12 of your course text. I am certain you have heard of some of them in the past. Maybe you even had the opportunity to experience one or more relaxation technique yourself. If not, you are in luck! This week, you will get to experience autogenic training first-hand. While a one-time experience may provide you with a positive feeling, relaxation should be practiced on a regular basis. Many relaxation technique options are available; thus, you will likely find a good fit, according to your expectations and needs.
You may wonder why there is such a big buzz about relaxation techniques. As you learned in the first few weeks, stress is the norm rather than the exception among our fast-paced society. Thus, stress-related complaints are witnessed in medical practices around the nation and globe. In fact, approximately 60 to 90 percent of all medical office visits are related to complaints pertaining to stress (Mind/Body Medical Institute at Harvard University, n.d., as cited in University of Maryland Medical Center, 2015).
As highlighted by the Center for Integrated Healthcare (CIH), our body will not return to a balanced state if it experiences stress continuously. Prolonged stress can therefore impact digestion, reproduction, tissue growth and repair, as well as our immune functioning negatively (2013).
Given the ill-effects on our health from prolonged stress, it is time to put our health first by incorporating a healthier diet, adding more exercise, increasing our quantity and quality of sleep, and reducing our stress-level. Additional negative factors and habits, such as smoking, which are harmful to our health and well-being should be limited or avoided as well.
Relaxation techniques have proven to be very effective and beneficial for our health. According to the Mayo Clinic (2014), relaxation techniques can actually slow your heart- and breathing rate, lower blood pressure, increase blood flow to major muscles, and improve concentration and mood. Moreover, tension and chronic pain, as well as occurrences of fatigue and anger can be minimized while a persons confidence can be improved. It is suggested to combine relaxation techniques with other methods for increased health- and well-being, such as positive thinking, time-management, exercising, and a sufficient amount of sleep (Mayo Clinic, 2014). In addition, headaches, back pain, anxiety, and depression symptoms can be reduced by performing relaxation techniques, such as autogenic training and progressive relaxation (Greenberg, 2017).
Additional Resources:
The following YouTube video, Healing Spirit: Guided Meditation for Anxiety, to Build Self Confidence and Relaxation (Links to an external site.), entails a wonderful guided meditation session. It is approximately 15 minutes in length and worth the time investment.
Here are some other helpful webpages:
National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (2016). Relaxation techniques for health: what you need to know. (Links to an external site.)
Waters, E. (2018). How biofeedback may help with stress. (Links to an external site.)
Center for Integrated Healthcare (2013). Relaxation fact sheet (Links to an external site.).…
Greenberg, J. (2021). Comprehensive stress management (15th ed.). McGraw Hill
Mayo Clinic (2014). Relaxation techniques: try these steps to reduce stress (Links to an external site.).…
University of Maryland Medical Center (2015). Relaxation techniques (Links to an external site.).…
Week 3 – Discussion Forum
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Your initial discussion thread is due on Day 3 (Thursday) and you have until Day 7 (Monday) to respond to your classmates. Your grade will reflect both the quality of your initial post and the depth of your responses. Refer to the Discussion Forum Grading Rubric under the Settings icon above for guidance on how your discussion will be evaluated.
Spirituality, Relaxation Techniques, and Health [WLOs: 1, 2, 3] [CLOs: 2, 5]
Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read Chapters 9, 10, 11, and 12 in the course text. Read The Unique Role of Spirituality in the Process of Growth Following Stress and Trauma, What Meditation Can Do for Your Mind, Mood, and Health: Taking a Few Minutes to Focus Your Mind Each Day Can Reduce Stress, Pain, Depression, and More.
Next, reflect on your current stressors and address the following:
- Explain the impact of religion and spirituality, as it pertains to health and stress management. Use the text as a minimum to support this relationship.
- Assess the benefits of meditation to your health and well-being. If you do not implement meditation techniques at this time, hypothesize how this practice could positively impact your health and well-being in the future.
- Evaluate the benefits of one of the following techniques: autogenic training, imagery, or progressive relaxation. How could the practice of your chosen technique reduce your experienced stressors?
- Develop a plan for being more mindful in your life relating to one of the following activities: mindful breathing, mindful eating, mindful listening, or mindful walking. State your rationale for selecting this particular area of focus.
Your initial post must be at least 300 words in length. Include your course text and one additional scholarly resource to support your work (see the Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources (Links to an external site.) for more information). All citations and references must adhere to APA Style formatting standards (see Introduction to APA (Links to an external site.) for more information).
Guided Response: Respond to two classmates by Day 7. In each of your responses, compare and contrast your posting with your peers response pertaining to the benefits and health impacts of a relaxation technique. Each post should be at least 100 words in length and include one scholarly reference, formatted in APA Style.
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