Ashworth College Wk 2 Comprehensive Stress Management Journal
Question Description
I’m working on a health & medical discussion question and need an explanation to help me learn.
Stress Perceptions and Interventions
Activity | Due Date | Format | Grading Percent |
Week 2 Journal: Perceptions | Day 5 | Journal | 7 |
Stress Interventions Interactive | Day 7 | Learning Activity | 5 |
Weekly Learning Outcomes
This week students will
- Assess intrapersonal and interpersonal life-situations and interventions for stressors.
- Evaluate perceptions and interventions of stressors.
- Prepare a personalized intervention plan to reduce stress.
Welcome to Week 2 of this course! This week, you will be able to further assess your stress by focusing on life-situations and perceptions. You will evaluate such situations and applicable interventions by completing a journal assignment and a learning activity. Lets get started!
Required Resources
Greenberg, J. S. (2021). Comprehensive stress management (15th ed.). McGraw Hill.
- Chapter 5: Intervention
- Chapter 6: Life-Situation Interventions: Intrapersonal
- Chapter 7: Life-Situation Intervention: Interpersonal
- Chapter 8: Perception Interventions
- The full-text version of this ebook is available through the RedShelf platform. This book is a comprehensive text on how to manage stress. Chapter 5 covers interventions for stress management and Chapters 6 and 7 explain life-situation interventions at the intra and interpersonal levels. Chapters 5, 6, and 7 will assist you with your Stress Interventions Interactive learning activity this week. Chapter 8 reviews perception interventions for stress management and will assist you with your Week 2 Journal: Perceptions journal this week.
Edmond, M. B., Granberg, E., Simons, R., & Lei, M. K. (2014). Distressing relationships, anger, and stress amplification in a sample of young adult African Americans. Journal of Adult Development, 21(1), 1329.
- The full-text version of this article can be accessed through the Academic Search Complete database in the University of Arizona Global Campus Library. This study analyzed the effects of relationship-related stress among young African American adults and will assist you with your Week 2 Journal: Perceptions journal this week.
Hamilton, A. (Host). (2015, March). Speaking of psychology: The stress of money (Links to an external site.) [Audio podcast]. American Psychological Association.…
- In this audio podcast, Audrey Hamilton interviews Dr. Linda Gallo, a psychology professor who provides insight on the health impacts of stress involving money. She also recommends specific interventions. This resource will assist you with your Week 2 Journal: Perceptions journal this week. The transcript is available in written and auditory format.
Accessibility Statement
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University of Arizona Global Campus. (2020). Stress interventions [Interactive]. Canvas@UAGC.
- This video interactive is available through your online classroom. This learning activity will assess your understanding of stress interventions used for stress management, and will assist you with your Stress Interventions Interactive learning activity this week.
Video Arts. (Producer). (2014). Body language and assertiveness: Workplace essentials. [Series episode]. In Video Arts (Producer), Workplace essentials. Video Arts.
- The full version of this series episode is available through the Films On Demand database in the Ashford University Library. This video provides an overview of common stressors within the work place. It also reviews how to apply assertiveness skills in the workplace and will assist you with your Week 2 Journal: Perceptions journal this week. This video has closed captioning and a transcript.
Accessibility Statement
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Cleveland Clinic. (2015, January 25). Stress: Coping with lifes stressors (Links to an external site.).…
- This webpage provides an overview of common lifes stressors as well as coping strategies, and will assist you with your Week 2 Journal: Perceptions this week.
Accessibility Statement
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Recommended Resources
Patnaik, G. (2013). Impact of optimism and positive emotions on mental health. Social Science International, 29(1), 121127.
- The full-text version of this article can be accessed through the Academic Search Complete database in the University of Arizona Global Campus Library. The author discusses the importance of optimism on our functioning. Optimism can create desirable emotions, thus resulting in positive This resource may assist you with your Week 2 Journal: Perceptions journal this week.
Mayo Clinic Staff. (2020, May 29). Being assertive: Reduce stress, communicate better (Links to an external site.).…
- This webpage highlights the benefits of being assertive and offers tips on how one can learn assertiveness and may assist you with your Week 2 Journal: Perceptions this week.
Accessibility Statement does not exist.
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Week 2 Instructor Guidance
Welcome to Week 2
Welcome to Week 2 in HWE 415! I hope you enjoyed your first week in this course. Lets quickly re-cap what we did last week. In Week 1, you defined distress and eustress. You also evaluated physiological, social, and emotional reactions to stress and the relationship between stress, health, and illness. Since you are now familiar with these fundamentals, you are ready for this weeks contents.
In Week 2, you will:
- Assess intrapersonal and interpersonal life-situations and interventions.
- Evaluate perceptions and interventions.
- Prepare a personalized intervention plan.
As you read through the course materials and complete the assignments for Week 2, you are encouraged to think about the following questions:
- How can intra- and interpersonal life-situations and perceptions relate to stress?
- Which interventions would be applicable and useful for you?
Week 2 Concepts:
This week, you will be working on one journal assignment and a learning activity.
The journal assignment this week provides you with much freedom and many choices. You can select one perception-focused lab assessment from Chapter 8. Make certain to address the elements of the prompt and specific directions within the assessment. Lastly, score your responses and come up with a solution or plan for intervention. Be sure you meet the minimum length and resource requirements, as stated in the prompt. Have fun exploring your chosen assessment!
Secondly, you will complete a Stress Interventions Interactive quiz. This is an interactive learning activity covering types of interventions to manage stress. This quiz is not timed, but you must take it in one sitting. The quiz can be retaken as many times as you want in Week 2, but scores must be submitted by the end of week 2. Once scores are submitted, the quiz cannot be retaken. The quiz cannot be reset so do not submit scores until you are satisfied with your score.
How each person perceives a stressor is different. Did you know that stress is subjective? In the above image, one lady perceives her commute to work in a positive way by working and using her time effectively. The other lady is stressed out and feels her commute is a waste of time. What causes you stress may not cause someone else stress who is in the same position.
According to The American Institute of Stress (n.d.) 80% of workers feel stress on the job, nearly half say they need help in learning how to manage stress and 42% say their coworkers need such help (para. 5). A higher level of stress on the job is usually related to having minimal control yet many demands. Heart attacks, hypertension, and obesity, just to name a few conditions, can be the result of a stressful work environment. While we will cover job-related stress in more detail later in this course, perception plays a critical role here (The American Institute of Stress, n.d.). For instance, two service members in the Armed Forces, holding the same job, may have different perspectives regarding their job. One may feel stressed by the demands active duty can have considering the long work days, frequent relocations, deployments, etcetera. However, another person with the same job may enjoy moving and deploying, as well as staying busy throughout the day. Again, it comes down to the perception of the individual, his or her personality characteristics, attitude, and overall outlook on life. Ones culture and environment can also impact perception. This weeks readings will provide greater insight into perceptions and stress (Greenberg, 2021).
Additional Resources:
The YouTube video on How to make stress your friend by Kelly McGonigal (14.28 minutes) nicely complements how perceptions can impact our health, either positively or negatively.
Yong, M., Nasterlack, M., Pluto, R., Lang, S., & Oberlinner, C. (2013). Occupational stress perception and its potential impact on work ability. Work, 46(3), 347-354. doi:10.3233/WOR-121556
The American Institute of Stress (n.d.). Workplace stress.
The Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback (2011). Managing time for personal effectiveness: achieving goals with less stress.… Psychophysiology and Biofeedback
Greenberg, J. (2021). Comprehensive stress management (15th ed.). McGraw Hill
Week 2 Journal: Perceptions
[WLOs: 1, 2, 3] [CLOs: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6]
A persons life experiences, culture, health status, lifestyle choices, relationships, perceptions, personality, and outlook on life can all be tied to stress, either positively or negatively. Many interventions are thoroughly discussed in your assigned readings for this week, which can be applied to prevent stress or to help better manage stressful responses. Now is a great time to gain additional insight and awareness into your inner self by exploring perceptions related to your awareness, attitudes, humor, personality, self-esteem, locus of control, anxiety, resiliency, and Prior to completing the journal assignment, read the article by Edmond et al., (2014), Distressing Relationships, Anger, and Stress Amplification in a Sample of Young Adult African Americans, listen to the Speaking of Psychology: The Stress of Money podcast, review the Cleveland Clinic webpage on Stress: Coping With Lifes Stressors, and watch Body Language and Assertiveness: Workplace Essentials.
Next read Chapter 8: Perception Interventions. Chapter 8 includes several lab assessments pertaining to perceptions. For this journal assignment, please complete the following steps:
- Choose one lab assessment from Chapter 8 which you find most interesting to explore
- When completing the selected assessment, follow the directions
- Score your responses, as outlined within your
- Prepare a summary of the assessment, including your score, and the assessment outcomes.
- Develop an intervention to better manage your stress levels. Select an evidenced based method discussed in the course text (e.g., deep breathing, meditation, etc.).
- Explain why this intervention method was chosen and how you will know if the method is being effective.
Your journal should be one to two pages in length. Include an APA formatted title and reference page. Remember to cite and reference your course text and any additional resources you may have used for the completion of this assignment, according to APA Style (see APA: Citing Within Your Paper, APA: Formatting Your References List, and Introduction to APA for more information).
Carefully review the Grading Rubricfor the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.
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