I’m working on a criminal justice project and need a sample draft to help me understand better.
CJ340 Graded Project
Your project must be submitted as a Word document (.docx, .doc). Your project will be individually graded by your instructor and therefore may take up to five to seven days to grade.
Be sure that each of your files contains the following information:
Your name Dena Tedesco
Your student ID number
The exam number
Your email address babysitter27@hotmail.com
To submit your graded project, follow these steps:
Follow the instructions provided to complete your exam.
Upload your exam in the required file format for grading.
Be sure to keep a backup copy of any files you submit to the school!
You’ll apply the concepts you’ve studied in this course to research and write a 1,000-word essay concerning law enforcement policies.
During the 1990s, New York City adopted a method of policing based on the broken windows theory. Subsequently, crime decreased.
In regard to the policy change, your essay will respond to the following questions:
What is the broken windows theory of policing?
How did the New York Police Department implement its new theory of policing?
How has the number of stops in New York City changed during the past couple of decades?
What civil rights issues are raised by New York Citys method of policing?
In order to answer those questions, you’ll need to
Research law enforcement policies
Relate law enforcement policies to crime rates
Relate law enforcement policies to criminological theory
For assistance with resources for this project, please use resources in the library.
Writing Guidelines
Keep the following guidelines in mind when writing your essay:
Ensure your paper has the following components:
A title page
An introduction
A body containing several paragraphs
A conclusion
A reference page that lists all the sources you used to write your paper
Include the following information on your title page:
Course number and title (CJ340 Criminology)
Student name and number
Project number (80220400)
Type your submission, double-spaced, in a standard print font, size 12.
Use a standard document format with 1-inch margins. (Do not use any fancy or cursive fonts.)
Ensure your project is a minimum of 1,000 words in length and answers all the questions.
Proofread your work carefully. Check for correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, and capitalization.
Use APA style throughout your paper, including formatting and in-text citations.
The following rubric will be used to grade your project.
CJ340 Criminology Graded Project
7053 points
5234 points
3316 points
150 points
The student’s essay provided clear, focused, and thorough answers to the given questions.
The student’s essay provided mostly clear, focused answers to the given questions.
The student’s essay provided answers to the given questions, although they may not be clear, focused, or thorough.
The student’s essay didn’t provide answers to the given questions.
Written Communication
3023 points
2215 points
148 points
70 points
The project is clearly and neatly organized and free of typographical errors. Each sentence is complete and uses correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure. The paper is in APA format and a minimum of 1,000 words in length. It includes all of the following: a title page, introduction, body with in-text citations, concluding paragraph, and reference page.
The project is mostly organized, with few typographical errors. Most sentences are complete and/or use correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure. The paper is in APA format and at least 1,000 words in length. It includes most of the following: a title page, introduction, body with in-text citations, concluding paragraph, and reference page.
The project is disorganized with few typographical errors. Several sentences are incomplete and/or use incorrect grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure. The paper is not in APA format and/or less than 1,000 words in length. It includes some of the following: a title page, introduction, body with in-text citations, concluding paragraph, and reference page.
The project is disorganized with multiple typographical errors. Many sentences are incomplete and use incorrect grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure. The paper is not in APA format and less than 1,000 words in length. It’s missing all or most of the following: a title page, introduction, body with in-text citations, concluding paragraph, and reference page.
This table lists criteria and criteria group names in the first column. The first row lists level names and includes scores if the rubric uses a numeric scoring method. You can give feedback on each criterion by tabbing to the add feedback buttons in the table.Criteria7053 points
5234 points
3316 points
150 points
Criterion Score
70 points
The student’s essay provided clear, focused, and thorough answers to the given questions.
34 points
The student’s essay provided mostly clear, focused answers to the given questions.
33 points
The student’s essay provided answers to the given questions, although they may not be clear, focused, or thorough.
15 points
The student’s essay didn’t provide answers to the given questions.
Score of Content,/ 70
Written Communication
30 points
The project is clearly and neatly organized and free of typographical errors. Each sentence is complete and uses correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure. The paper is in APA format and a minimum of 1,000 words in length. It includes all of the following: a title page, introduction, body with in-text citations, concluding paragraph, and reference page.
15 points
The project is mostly organized, with few typographical errors. Most sentences are complete and/or use correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure. The paper is in APA format and at least 1,000 words in length. It includes most of the following: a title page, introduction, body with in-text citations, concluding paragraph, and reference page.
14 points
The project is disorganized with few typographical errors. Several sentences are incomplete and/or use incorrect grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure. The paper is not in APA format and/or less than 1,000 words in length. It includes some of the following: a title page, introduction, body with in-text citations, concluding paragraph, and reference page.
7 points
The project is disorganized with multiple typographical errors. Many sentences are incomplete and use incorrect grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure. The paper is not in APA format and less than 1,000 words in length. It’s missing all or most of the following: a title page, introduction, body with in-text citations, concluding paragraph, and reference page.
Score of Written Communication,/ 30
Rubric Total ScoreTotalScore of Criminology Graded Project,/ 100
Overall Score
Overall Score
Level 411 points minimum
Level 38 points minimum
Level 25 points minimum
Level 10 points minimum
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