BUSI 505 LU Promoting the Privacy & Confidentiality of Patient Discussion
Question Description
I’m working on a health & medical Discussion and need a sample draft to help me learn.
Please Draft a response to another students Discussion Board Post. Here is the student’s post you are replying to:
As the world of healthcare informatics, ehealth, and electronic health records (EHR)/private health records (PHR) continue to become more popular and widely used, we need guidelines and extra tools to keep our information secure and private. Braunstein (2014) states that security of patients data is a significant and legitimate patient concern with an 85% of patients expressing their concern for the privacy and concern for their digital information (p. 81). Kumar & Wambugu (2016) also argues that with rapid proliferation of EHRs, protecting and securing patient health information has become an important priority for healthcare providers (p. 2). When working in any department of healthcare, you have to sign a confidentiality agreement stating that you will not disclose any patient information with anyone before beginning your career! As healthcare providers we are being trusted by our patients not to disclose any of their information. In a 2020 poll, Americans rated nurses honestly and ethical standards as high or very high, coming in even higher than 2019 (Gaines, 2021, para. 2). Physicians and Pharmacists were the next in line for the most trusted profession. It is important as healthcare professionals to respect patients and their personal information.
Virginias Participation in HISPC
Virginia currently participates in Health Information Security and Privacy Collaboration (HISPC). The VAs HISPC is a state and federally sponsored, multi-year, public-private organization whose primary mission is to develop tools, services and support to resolve privacy and security interoperability issues between health information organizations in the Commonwealth (Dept. of Medical Assistance Services, 2009, p. 3). The goal of the HISPC is to establish compromised solutions between the states and across the nation (Dept. of Medical Assistance Services, 2009). The Department of Medical Assistance Services hopes that the HISPC will help the concerns and fears among prescribing providers/private collaborative relationship. In the textbook it states that the patients health records and personal information is an obligatory role of the healthcare professionals (Shanholtzer & Ozanich, 2016).
Importance of HISPC
The importance of the Health Information Security and Privacy Collaboration is to bring states together to address any major privacy and security issues vital to the successful implementation of healthcare technology and health information exchange (Dept. of Medical Assistance Services, 2009). Privacy refers to individuals rights to control the access to their personal information. According to the HIPPA Privacy Rule, it protects the privacy of individually identifiable health information (Kumar & Wambugu, 2016, p. 3) Security is the protection measures and tools that help individuals information from being accessed so easily.
Conclusion/Biblical Integration
To summarize, technology provides challenges and opportunities to transform healthcare. Healthcare IT supports those who provide direct care by advocating for effective practice through appropriate technology (Nelson & Parker, 2019). As healthcare professionals we need to respect our patients and their personal information, while they trust us, there is always that feeling in the back of your mind whether or not your information will get out. HISPC helps the country to come together to help keep our information private and secure. 1 Thessalonians 4:11, states and to make it your ambition to lead a quiet life: You should mind your own business and work with your hands, just as we told you (New International Bible, 2011/1978). As Christians who should love one another, should not stir up trouble and stick their nose where it doesnt belong, or there will be consequences. As, if you break the confidentiality agreement, you are penalized, and will possibly lose your job.
Gaines, K. (2021). Nurses ranked most trusted profession 19 years in a row. Nurses.org. https://nurse.org/articles/nursing-ranked-most-honest-profession/
Dept. of Medical Assistance Services. (2009). Report on programs and incentives to encourage e-prescribing by Medicaid providers December 1, 2009. Report of the VA Dept of Medical Assistance Services. https://rga.lis.virginia.gov/Published/2009/HD15/PDF
Shanholtzer, M. B. & Ozanich, G. W. (2016). Health Information Management and Technology. New York, NY: McGraw Hill.
New International Version Bible. (2011). The NIV Bible. https://www.henivbible.com (Original work published 1978).
Braunstein, M. L. (2014). Contemporary Health Informatics. Chicago, IL: American Health Information Management Association.
Nelson, T. L. & Parker, C. D. (2019). Nursing informatics: The HER and beyond. American Nurse Today. 14(3), 36-38. https://www.myamericannurse.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/ant3-Informatics-Career-211.pdf
Kumar, M. & Wambugu, S. (2016). A primer on the privacy, security, and confidentiality of EHR. MEASURE Evaluation. 1-7. https://www.measureevaluation.org/resources/publications/sr-15-128-en/
***** Here is the original question the student was responding to: Research what federal and state collaboration efforts (if any) exist for the state in which you live and/or practice. Does your state currently participate in Health Information Security and Privacy Collaboration (HISPC)? If not, are there plans to become involved in this partnership? Finally, why is this collaboration important? Information should be available through your state’s Department of Health or at the HealthIT.gov page on HISPC.
For your replies, respond to 2 classmates, identifying at least 1 strength and 1 weakness in each classmate’s reasoning.
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