Capella University Health Care and Global Health Policies Case Study
Question Description
Part I
Part A
Field Experience Case Study Paper 20-25 pages and 5-10 references
In this assignment, you will develop a paper by synthesizing and analyzing the individual papers.
Required components of the group paper include the following:
I. Country (identified site) case study:
- Political or governance structure with analysis of current policies impacting health.
- Socioeconomic status, including the Gini index.
- Demographic profile.
- Major health issues analysis, including the burden of disease.
- An analysis of the Social Determinants of Health, including ethical considerations.
II. Field experience preparation:
- Identification of field experience project: provide supporting rationale. Include justification of need, role of group members, and the sponsoring agency.
- Cultural competency: Identify primary cultural mores and cross-cultural communication issues. Include specific recommended approaches for demonstrating cultural competency during field experience.
- Sustainability: Identify specific strategies to promote sustainability of field experience project including 1) the identification of potential local partners, and 2) potential global health policy impacts in the next 510 years.
- Maintain social accountability: Specify a system that will be used for tracking and sustaining commitments to the community and customers.
- Specify evaluation criteria to measure effectiveness of the completed field experience.
- Finally, discuss what strategies you might use for assembling coalitions and build support for the specific policy or change positions.
Complete the 360 Feedback Form in the Resources and email directly to your instructor.
Writing Requirements
- Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
- APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style and formatting.
- Number of resources: Minimum of 510 resources
- Page length: 2025 pages.
- Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
Part B
Leadership in Global Health Policy – 3 pages, 2 references
As you consider the significance of high-risk groups in global health policy, how do you view your role as a health care leader? Review the NCHL Health Leadership Competency Model (Calhoun et al., 2008) and discuss how you would relate at least one competency from each domain to the role of the health care leader in global policy development. Use examples from your study high risk groups and other global health priorities discussed in the course to demonstrate the domain competency.
Part C
Global Health Policy and the Future 3 Pages, 2 references
Select one organization (an NGO or governmental organization) that provides volunteer opportunities for global health field experience. Summarize the mission, volunteer requirements, and type and length of field experience available. Analyze the process used by the organization to develop volunteer competency for the field experience and the role of the program in influencing future global health policy (provide an example). Include the web link for your selected organization.
Part D
Policy Conflicts 3 pages, 2 references
As you begin working on this weeks assignment, it will be helpful to examine the diverse stakeholders, each with their own perspectives and agendas, who influence and set U.S. health care policy.
- Describe the major actors in setting U.S. health care policy.
- Explain how each of these actors may have influenced the development of the legislation you chose as the focus of your investigation for the course assignments.
- Describe the inherent conflicts and how the legislative process may have addressed any disagreements.
- Analyze Key Issues Transforming Health Care (linked in Resources) to determine which possible trends would most affect the area your legislation addresses.
Part II
Presenting Policy Recommendations 16 -23 pages with 3-5 references
Professional Context
Health care leaders must be able to analyze collected literature, assess the market, and determine how specific laws affect their organization. They must also be able to examine the outcomes and impact of legislation and find ways to advocate for change. Advocacy depends upon a solid analysis and recommendations based on research.
This assignment provides an opportunity for you to present your investigation conclusions, findings, recommendations, and possible future trends related to the legislation.
By successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assignment criteria:
- Evaluate significant federal and state legislation that affects the scope of, access to, availability of, and reimbursement for health care services.
- Draw evidence-based conclusions about how health care policy processes affect the provision of health care services.
- Evaluate the combined effects of social, economic, ethical, legal, and political forces on health care.
- Explain the extent to which social, economic, ethical, legal, and political forces shape U.S. health care.
- Recommend possible initiatives available to address current gaps in health care policy.
- Present evidence for health care policy gaps and your recommendations for policy initiatives to close those gaps.
- Communicate effectively, in an appropriate form and style, consistent with applicable organizational, professional, and scholarly standards.
- Write clearly and concisely in a logically coherent and appropriate form and style.
- Support main points, conclusions, and recommendations with credible evidence from peer-reviewed sources.
Your work on the health care think tank research paper is concluding. You have been asked to complete all your work and deliver your final research paper by the end of the week. To tie all your work together, you must draft your conclusions and the final recommendations that you will make to the board. Keep in mind that the think tank may share your research with other health care entities, professionals, policy makers, and organizations. Be sure to provide a solid recap of your analysis, possible gaps, conclusions, and recommendations to address gaps or create stronger legislation soon. In addition, consider possible limitations that could interfere with future improvements.
Refine the first three sections of your research paper that you completed. Then present your conclusions, findings, and recommendations with a section on possible future trends related to your chosen legislation.
Add a 200-word abstract to your paper.
Assignment Format and Length
Format your research paper using APA style. You are encouraged to be creative in presenting your work as appropriate for your topic, including self-designed graphs, tables, and figures. Do not use any material copied directly from other works.
Use the APA Style to format your paper. Organize your paper as follows:
- Title page.
- Abstract.
- Introduction: Choosing a Health Care Law to Investigate.
- Literature Review:Reviewing the Literature.
- Analysis:Analyzing the Impact of Health Care Legislation
- Conclusion and Recommendations (35 pages):
- Findings from the literature.
- Conclusions from the literature and your analysis.
- Possible future trends related to your chosen legislation.
- Recommendations for future policy or legislation changes.
- References page.
Your final paper should comprise 1623 pages of content (text and supporting graphs, tables, or figures) plus title, abstract, and references pages.
Supporting Evidence
Cite 35 credible sources from peer-reviewed journals or professional industry publications to support your conclusions, recommendations, and forecasted trends.
The following assignment requirements correspond to the assignment scoring guide criteria, so be sure to address each point. Read the performance-level descriptions for each criterion to see how your work will be assessed.
- Draw evidence-based conclusions about how health care policy processes affect the provision of health care services.
- What are the implications of current policy and legislation for health care?
- Present evidence for health care policy gaps and your recommendations for policy initiatives to close those gaps.
- What do future legislative or policy trends do you see emerging in U.S. health care?
- Explain the extent to which social, economic, ethical, legal, and political forces shape U.S. health care.
- What evidence supports your conclusions?
- Write clearly and concisely in a logically coherent and appropriate form and style.
- Write with a specific purpose and audience in mind.
- Adhere to scholarly and disciplinary writing standards.
- Support main points, conclusions, and recommendations with credible evidence from peer-reviewed sources.
- Be sure to apply correct APA formatting to source citations and references.
Part B
Future Trends and Recommendations 3 pages, 2 references.
Note: Remember to adhere to the requirements for initial discussion posts and responses addressed in the School of Nursing and Health Sciences Faculty Expectations message.
In two to three paragraphs, describe the analysis and outcomes of your course-long investigation of health care legislation. Include your original research question followed by your succinct findings.
As the think tank health policy analyst, recommend for health policy makers at least two changes or improvements to the health care legislation you have examined.
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