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Rasmussen College Module 8 Obsessive Compulsive Behaviors Discussion Paper

Question Description

Course Competency

Assemble nursing care interventions for clients with behavioral or cognitive disorders.


Lauren has been diagnosed with Social Anxiety Disorder and experiences obsessive thoughts that result in compulsive behaviors. This has a major impact on her life and day to day functioning.


View the videos segments 1, 2, and 3 for Lauren.

Notice how the nurse continues to gather information to assess the extent of Lauren’s illness. The content relates to the objective that you will be able to describe the symptoms of anxiety and OCD.

Segment 1

Segment 2

Segment 3

Create a document which contains this information:

  • Describe at least three clinical signs of Anxiety observed in the videos.
  • Describe at least three Obsessive-Compulsive behaviors observed in the videos.
  • Explain at least three therapeutic communication techniques used by the nurse in the videos.
  • Discuss at least two nursing interventions appropriate for Lauren. Support your choices with rationales.
  • Support your ideas with at least two credible resources.

Submit your completed assignment by following the directions linked below. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.

Save your assignment as a Microsoft Word document. (Mac users, please remember to append the “.docx” extension to the filename.) The name of the file should be your first initial and last name, followed by an underscore and the name of the assignment, and an underscore and the date. An example is shown below:


RUBRIC is below:

Describe Clinical
Signs of Anxiety
(10 points)
Points:5 (12.50%)

Minimal attempt to describe at least 3 clinical signs of anxiety demonstrated in the videos, or describes less than 3 clinical signs demonstrated in the videos.

Points:8 (20.00%)

Basic attempt in describing at least 3 clinical signs of anxiety demonstrated in the videos.

Points:9 (22.50%)

Accurately describes at least 3 clinical signs of anxiety observed in the videos.

Points:10 (25.00%)

Thoroughly describes 3 clinical signs of anxiety observed in the videos.

Describe OCD Behaviors
(10 points)

Points:5 (12.50%)

Minimal attempt to describe at least 3 OCD behaviors observed in the videos, or describes less than 3 behaviors observed in the videos.

Points:8 (20.00%)

Basic attempt in describing at least 3 OCD behaviors observed in the videos.

Points:9 (22.50%)

Accurately describes at least 3 OCD behaviors observed in the videos.

Points:10 (25.00%)

Thoroughly describes 3 symptoms of OCD behaviors observed in the videos.

Explain Therapeutic
Communication Techniques
(8 points)

Points:4 (10.00%)

Minimal attempt to explain at least 3 therapeutic communication techniques used by the nurse in the videos, or describes less than 3 therapeutic communication techniques used by the nurse in the videos.

Points:6 (15.00%)

Basic attempt to explain at least 3 therapeutic communication techniques used by the nurse in the videos.

Points:7 (17.50%)

Accurately explains at least 3 therapeutic communication techniques used by the nurse in the videos.

Points:8 (20.00%)

Thoroughly explains at least 3 therapeutic communication techniques used by the nurse in the videos.

Discuss Nursing
Interventions and
(8 points)

Points:4 (10.00%)

Minimal discussion of at least 2 nursing interventions, did not include rationales, or describes less than 3 interventions.

Points:6 (15.00%)

Basic discussion of at least 2 nursing interventions and includes rationales.

Points:7 (17.50%)

Accurate discussion of at least 2 nursing interventions and includes rationales.

Points:8 (20.00%)

Thorough discussion of at least 2 nursing interventions and includes rationales.

APA, Spelling,
(4 points)

Points:1 (2.50%)

Did not use at least 2 credible resources. Citations do not follow APA Style. Quotations, paraphrases, and summaries are not cited, or there is no attempt to cite them using APA style. Spelling and grammar contain substantial errors that make sentences and/or paragraphs incoherent.

Points:2 (5.00%)

Used at least 2 credible resources. Errors in APA citations are noticeable and may detract from the ability to locate the original source (for example, no title provided, year of publication is missing, no punctuation). Spelling and grammar errors occur but are inconsistent. Paragraphs and sentences are coherent but may exhibit spelling errors, run-ons or fragments, and/or improper verb tense usage.

Points:3 (7.50%)

Used at least 2 credible resources. Errors in APA citations are less noticeable and do not detract from the ability to locate original source (for example, a misused comma or period, missing parenthesis, author name not properly abbreviated, indentations misaligned). Displays proper grammar application and writing contains minimal to no spelling errors. May contain rare improper uses of words (ex., their vs. there), a misplaced modifier, or a run-on sentence, but does not detract from the overall understanding of the sentence and/or paragraph.

Points:4 (10.00%)

Used at least 2 credible resources. APA citations are free of style and formatting errors. Demonstrates an exemplary application of spelling and grammar.

Name:Module 08 Case Study- Anxiety Disorder/Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

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