University of California Irvine What Does Leadership Mean Discussion
Question Description
How do you define leadership? What does leadership mean to you?
( should have two post, one is original own post( at least 350 words), and one is response post to peer’s post)
Classmate A’ post:
For me, a leader has never been someone that simply orders people around, or makes all the decisions. A leader is someone that can join in on the hard work, and essentially ‘get their hands dirty’. Many people have dreams and visions, but a leader is someone that can make others believe in the same things that they do. They can take their vision and make others just as excited about it as they are, without having to use any external motivators. Leadership means you can make people care about something for a long time, not only when they’re in a certain environment or state of mind. In addition, a leader is someone who is able to make tough decisions, even when they might not be popular. A good leader has to be able to sympathize with, and understand others. Not just on a surface level, like what someone’s personality is. But, an individuals strengths, goals, motivations, and what gets them up and out of bed every morning. Lastly, a leader is someone that is okay with being wrong. They can acknowledge and recognize when they’ve made a mistake. They treat failure as a learning experience, and view it as an opportunity for growth. Leaders are always looking at ways to be better, and to make their teams better as well.
Classmate B reply to A’ s post:
Hi A,
First off I just wanted to thank you for sharing such a well-written post! I wholeheartedly agree with everything you had to say. What really stuck out to me is the part where you mention that “a leader is someone that can make others believe in the same things that they do.” In my opinion, in order to be a good leader, you have to be genuinely passionate about what you believe in. At the end of the day, a good leader will manifest themselves in the team they lead and the things they accomplish.
Classmate C’s post( you should reply to this one)at least 150 words)
I define leadership as someone who can influence others to do their best and meet a goal, whether its a group goal or individual. They set an example of themselves of doing that goal, and that way it allows other people who hasn’t gained that confidence yet to work at their goal. A leader works in a team and doesn’t do everything solo. They help the functionality of the group and educates their followers on how to be successful. I also define leadership as someone who persist through challenges and makes sure that others do well. They do not try to dictate others, but allows free speech and has an open-mind when thinking about decisions. It is apparent that those who show leadership that they raise the self-esteem and efficacy of their subordinates because it would be an authoritarian if they just brought people down for personal gain. Dictators lead alone but leaders make sure they uplift their group/team so their success is your success. Leadership means to me is when a person gives opportunity to those who have not met their goal yet. They have integrity and believes in equality to make sure that those who want to better themselves has an opportunity to do so. They also should act in control and act like they aren’t panicking. I believe leaders should address the truth and reassure their subordinates that they can help others and themselves. I do not want a leader who is self-absorbed and the only interest is themselves.
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