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Carlos Albizu University Use of Electronic and Manual Filing Systems Response

Question Description


Healthcare Regulatory Compliance and Accreditation APA Style Reply

Emergency Room Scenario Reply to each Peer about their post.

Emergency Room ScenarioReply to my post ( Georgina asked me this question in reference to my post):

Hello J:

I do not really mind filling out the forms with personal information either ont the computer or paper. I do worry sometimes of what is done with the paper forms; do you know if those are in a file for a set time or are they distroyed after the information has been input on their EHR/EMR? I do have some concerns with data breaches with hackers seeking ID theft victims. I do not really know how valnerable the system is to that kind of risk; do you know?

Emergency Room ScenarioReply 2 Rylee:

Hello Class & Professor Hughes,

This week we learned about the different types of patient consent and the importance of documentation. For our week three discussion we will be reflecting on personal emergency roomexperiences and all of the documentation it entailed.Documentation is a requirement that can impose a hefty penalty on any hospital/healthcare organization if they do not follow legal and ethical compliance (WCU, 2020)

One common and the most important document that I have had to sign at every emergency room visit or surgery is a patient consent form. With patient consent any operation received by the patient is considered assault and battery (WCU, 2020). One common form of consent is verbal consent. For example, every time I have had to go to the emergency room they draw my blood and give me IV fluids, I have never given written consent for those interventions, only verbal. For bigger operations where there are greater risks written consent is required. I feel as though with all of the technological advances a lot of emergency medical forms are asked questions by staff in triage and answered by the patient. One form I had to fill out in the emergency room after being attacked by a dog was an animal control/local police form that asked questions about the animal etc…Following the attack the sheriffs showed up at my doorstep because my neighbors (whose dog attacked my) were not answering their door because they did not want to put their dog down.

Truthfully, I have never been in a situation in an emergency room where I have been overwhelmed by the about of papers I have had to sign/fill out. All of the forms I have filled out (patient consent, surgery consent, and animal attack form that I can remember) have all been very informative and I believe were necessary in order to relay the proper information and allow me to have a document to look back on if I were to have any questions. I always pay close attention to any medical form or document that required my signature, especially if it pertains to my health or a member of my family

I think cutting out “the middle person” can be very beneficial when it comes to documentation. Having to print out a form, hand it to the patient, receive the form, and pass it on to administrationcreates a lot of movement which increases the risk of misplacing the necessary document. Being able to verbally communicate the information and needed answered questions to the patient and require only an electronic signature would eliminate a lot of room for error, misplacement, save time, help the administration stay organized, and would allow them to better identify if there are any missing documents or discrepancies.


West Coast University. (2020). Retrieved 2020, from

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