UF Effectiveness of Collaborative Management in Wildlife Conservation Questions
Question Description
Hello I need help evaluating and analyzing an article I have completed one already.
Completing the Flow ChartI would encourage each member of the group to develop a flow chart for both the List A and the List Barticle, using the template for Flow Chart for ARTICLES YOU READ. However, I understand the timelimitations that we all face and if your team decides that this is not feasible, at least two people shoulddevelop a flow chart for each article. This is important because there will be time in class for you tocompare your flow charts and develop a single chart based on group consensus.
This chart providesthe basis for your responses to the discussion questions. It is important not make mistakes about thebasic content of the article. Therefore, multiple versions are much better than only one.I provide an example of a Completed Flow Chart for Articles you Read. Provide enough detail in theflow chart for me to understand how well you grasp the material in the article and your ability to applywhat we are learning in this class to your work on this assignment. If you provide super short answersof a couple of words on the flow chart, I will not be able to assess whether you understood the articleand were able to identify the specific components in the article that you have to address in thisassignment.
Do not write paragraphs or long discussion, but do not be vague: specific but briefanswers. For example, for sampling do not say something like random sample specify the specifictype of random sample, e.g., systematic random sample.Please take care to make sure that you do not misstate the authors objectives, researchquestion, and theoretical hypotheses. If you get these wrong, everything else in your analysis islikely to be wrong. For example, your assessment of the adequacy of the sample will depend onwhether the sample was good enough to answer the research question. If you misunderstand ormisstate the research question, you will not be able to assess the adequacy of the sample. You maynot like the authors objectives or question. You may think s/he should have asked a different orAssignment 2, FYC 6800 Page 3broader question. However, the researcher determines the question and objectives not the reader.One very common error is to confuse the problem the author wants to address or the potential uses ofthe new knowledge s/he creates with the research question and objectives. In one article that I haveused for the example of a flow chart (not this year) I have seen students say that the authors objectivesare to improve peoples stress management skills or to improve womens stress management skills. Itis true that the author of this article does want to improve workplace stress management for employeesand he is specifically concerned about stress management for women because of the dual family &workplace stress many women experience. However, research deals with creating knowledge that wecan then use to solve problems. So his objective here is not to implement some training or fix theproblem through some program. He has two main objectives: (1) determine if training actually doesimprove stress management and (2) if gender affects response to training. A training program is hisintervention or treatment in a quasi-experimental study. It is NOT the objective of his research.
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