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College of St Joseph Data Warehousing Discussion

Question Description

1. ETL consists of the extract process and load task for DataWarehousing. Select one of the tasks and describe what commonly happensduring that particular process phase.

  • (E – Extraction) Get the data
  • (T – Transformation) Make it useful
  • (L – Loading) Save it to the warehouse

Answerthat (3) and down below there is two answers from others. So, just givethem feedback what do you think about their writing. Don’t use he/she.


The second action of the DataWarehousing process is converting data from one format to another. Datatransformation is seen as simple, and other times complex. This dependson the changes that must occur to the data before it is delivered to itstarget destination. The data transformation process can be automated,handled manually, or completed using a combination of the two.

Data is identified and pulled frommany different locations or sources into a single repository during theextraction phase. Data extracted from the source location is often rawand not usable in its original form. To overcome this obstacle, the datamust be transformed. This is the step in the ETL process that adds the most value to your data by enabling it to be mined for business intelligence.

During transformation, a number ofsteps are taken to convert it into the desired format. In some cases,data must first be cleansed before it can be transformed. Datacleansing prepares the data for transformation by resolvinginconsistencies or missing values. Once the data is cleansed, thefollowing steps in the transformation process occur:

  1. Data Discovery. The first step in the data transformation process consists of identifying and understanding the data in its source format.
  2. Data mapping. During this phase, the actual transformation process is planned.
  3. Generating code. In order for the transformation process to be completed, a code must be created to run the transformation job.
  4. Executing the code.The data transformation process that has been planned and coded is nowput into motion, and the data is converted to the desired output.
  5. Review. Transformed data is checked to make sure it has been formatted correctly.

B. The ETL is an important process for getting data ready forintegration. The three steps inETL are extraction, transformation, andloading.

The first step, extraction, involves getting the data in the firstplace. This phase involves collection data together from a variety ofsources. A data analysis is generally not only done on data from onesource, so the extraction is important for collecting all of the datatogether. Extraction includes gathering data from all sources andcollecting it together in one place for further analysis.

“What Is Extract, Transform, Load? Definition, Process and Tools.” Talend Real-Time Open Source Data Integration Software, 12 Aug. 2020,

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