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University of Southern California Black lives matter to Black liberation Review Paper

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please write an analytical review of Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor’s, From#Blacklivesmatter to Black Liberation (Chicago: Haymarket Books, 2016). Your assignment is toconstruct an essay that includes a clearly written introduction, supporting narrative, and clearlywritten conclusion.This is not a book report. It is a critical review essay. In composing your paper you should be sure toinclude both summary and interpretation/analysis. As you summarize, you should discuss the mainfeatures of the book including its argument, organization, key facts, events, and ideas. Keep in mindthat the summary is an opportunity to demonstrate clearly that you read the book.The analytical part of your essay is of equal importance. This is your opportunity to demonstrate thatyou have thought critically about the text. As you prepare to write, you may want to consider thefollowing: What are the strengths and weaknesses of the book? How well does the author support herargument? What is at stake with this argument/with this book? What is your assessment of thewriting style? Is it stronger in some places than in others? What is the author’s main argument? Whattype of evidence does she use to support the claims that she makes? What does the book add to ourunderstanding about African American politics historically and contemporarily? What other texts andtopics should the book be in conversation with? Do you recommend the book? If so, to whom do yourecommend it and why? In your analysis, please feel free to address other issues that you feel areworthy of discussion.Your essay must be typewritten in Times New Roman, 12-point font, and total 10 double-spacedpages with one-inch margins. You should also include a cover page that says your name and courseinformation and a staple in the upper left hand corner. Remember to give your essay a title. Finally,your essay should conform to the format guidelines from the Chicago Manual of Style.

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