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University of Central Florida Innovation and Technology Issue Paper

Question Description

Objective and Description:

  • The objective of this project is for you to understand current service management issues and use analytical approaches to discuss these issues. Through this project, you will gain a comprehensive understanding of service management concepts and apply your knowledge to a real world guest services management.
  • You choose a topic (service issue) to work on. It can be any issue that is related to guest services management, including but not limited to service problems, service innovations, service technology, etc. Next, set project objectives and plan how you will approach the topic to accomplish these objectives. Then, gather information regarding the topic through on-line, library, interviews etc. Finally, discuss the topic in-depth and provide managerial implications.
  • You are more than welcome to be creative in terms of choosing the topic and approaching it. The project should be focused on delivering meaningful managerial implications that can enhance our understanding of guest service management at the end. More specifically, your information (examples, research, analysis, discussion, interpretation) should be related (to the course), clear (in terms of the objectives), meaningful (to guest service managers), original (something new to offer), justified (with rationale), consistent (with a logical flow), sufficient (with enough information), focused (with relevant information), and organized (in a meaningful manner).
  • This project requires your self-motivation. You can work as an individual or a team. If you work alone, time and resource management are very important. If you work as a team, good teamwork and responsible contributions are absolutely crucial for your team to produce a quality work. Take an opportunity to challenge yourself and go the extra mile for your own learning!

Project structure:

  1. Cover page: Include the course information, project title, team member names, and submission date
  2. Abstract as per APA style rules – a succinct, one paragraph summary (no less than 150, but no more than 250 words)
  3. Introduction: Introduce your topic and address its importance.

Guiding questions:

  1. Why is this topic chosen?
  2. Why is the topic important for hospitality managers? Why would hospitality managers want to know more about the topic?
  3. What is known about the topic and what is less known about the topic? What do you want to learn from the project? What new information will you offer through the project?
  4. What is your approach to the topic? Why is your approach/perspective different from what is known? Why is your approach meaningful?
  5. What are your objectives of the project? “Make your statement!” State clearly what you want to explore, examine, discuss, find, and/or report in the project.

The introduction should be clear and concise but should emphasize the main objectives of your project

  1. Discussion: Discuss the topic in a logical and meaningful manner.

Guiding questions:

  1. What information did you find regarding the topic?
  2. What are some themes for organizing the information?
  3. How is the information related to your point of view/approach?
  4. What conclusion(s) can you draw based on your discussions?

You can use any sources of information such as industry articles, academic articles, newspapers, videos, surveys, interviews etc. Library searches can most certainly be useful. Summarize relevant information by using subheadings and discuss it logically relating to your perspective. Contrasting different viewpoints, comparing different approaches, strengths and weaknesses of different application examples, and/or constructive criticism are very desirable.

Use subheadings to organizes your discussion effectively and avoid unnecessary repetitions.

Optional but suggested: If you have an empirical analysis, explain the procedure that you took and present your results (e.g., tables, charts, graphs, etc). Discuss what you found by referring the results and interpret what those results mean.

  1. Managerial Implications: Discuss the managerial implications of your project.

Guiding questions:

  1. How can service organizations improve guest services management based on your discussion/findings?
  2. What are your recommendations for service organizations?
  3. In what way, can your discussions/findings enhance managers’ understanding regarding the topic?
  4. What are some concerns/consideration/limitations of your approach/findings?
  5. What are the major findings or discussion points from the project?
  6. What are your major recommendations to the issue?
  7. What are your learning points from the project?
  • Discuss how your project has accomplished your objectives.
  • Provide recommendations for guest service organizations
  • You may include your learning points (take home messages for yourself)
  1. Overall Quality and Organization
    1. Overall handling of the topic
    2. Overall quality of writing
    3. Overall flow of arguments
    4. Overall thoroughness of the paper
    5. Overall format and organization of the paper
    6. Appropriate citations (6 to 10 APA style)

Format: I expect a “quality” service issue project. That means it will take time along with quality research to accomplish an excellent grade. The total length of the paper should be approximately 10 to 12 pages, not including cover and reference pages, but no more than 15 (Double spaced, Times New Roman, or similar font 12 with 1-inch margins) including 6 to 10 research citations, one of which can be the textbook. Please attach any additional supporting materials as an Appendix, if necessary.

Peer evaluation: If working as a team, all team members should be cooperating and contributing equally from the beginning until the project completion. Peer evaluation forms will be submitted at the completion of the project individually to the professor. It gives you all an opportunity to indicate the level of contribution for yourself and each team member. Your Peer Evaluation Average is the average rating your group members assign to you for your performance. Peer evaluation only applies when you work in a team.

Project Grading: Please refer to the rubric that is associated with this project for grading criteria.


Guest Service Issues

Guest Service Issues

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroduction clear, focused and original with a relevant topic

20.0 pts

Choice of topic well explained, topic important and relevant for hospitality managers. Guiding questions enhance the paper and help to provide a clear discussion of the issues.

15.0 pts

Choice of topic only somewhat clearly explained. Topic not completely important or relevant to hospitality management. Guiding questions somewhat used, but discussion of issues not clearly laid out.

5.0 pts

Choice of topic unclear and not focused. Topic not shown to be important or relevant to hospitality management. Guiding questions not used effectively and discussion is confusing and unclear as to direction it is taking.

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTopic discussion comprehensive and organized

45.0 pts

Topic discussion logical and meaningful. Clear, concise information relevant to topic presented. Information presented completely supports conclusions drawn. In text citations correct and complete. Guiding questions used and all addressed effectively.

35.0 pts

Topic discussion is good, but missing some logic and meaningfulness. Not as clear, concise or relevant to chosen topic as required. Information presented only somewhat supports conclusions. Citations not clear, missing or incorrectly formatted. Guiding questions addressed fairly effectively.

15.0 pts

Incomplete topic discussion. Displays no logic or meaningfulness. Clarity and relevance lacking. No citations present. Guiding questions not answered or answered ineffectively.

45.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeManagerial implications

45.0 pts

Managerial implications of topic completely clear. Recommendations made and relevant. Major findings outlined and relevancy to hospitality management well explained. Guiding questions used and all addressed effectively. Objectives outlined in introduction acheived.

35.0 pts

Managerial implications of topic somewhat clear. Guiding questions addressed fairly effectively. Few recommendations made and relevancy is questionable. Major findings not related to topic and objectives explained in introduction.

25.0 pts

Unclear discussion of managerial implications of topic. Recommendations not made and/or not relevant. Major findings not aligned with introduction. Guiding questions not answered or answered ineffectively.

15.0 pts

Assignment incomplete and unclear as to desired objectives. Guiding questions not used or answered.

45.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOverall Quality

45.0 pts

Excellent quality paper enhanced by relevant, thorough research. Relevancy to hospitality industry, specifically guest service, thoroughly explained and supported.

35.0 pts

Good paper, though research only somewhat thorough and relevant. Link to hospitality industry and guest service unclear and not well supported through research.

25.0 pts

Average paper with limited research and relevancy to hospitality industry. Ideas not thoroughly explained or explored through quality research.

5.0 pts

Below average paper with little or no relevancy to the hospitality industry. No unique or inventive ideas. No, or minimal research observed.

45.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFormatting

20.0 pts

Few errors, correct paper length as required by assignment, paragraph and sentence structure with little, or no spelling, punctuation or style errors. Appropriate APA citations along with correctly formatted works cited page.

15.0 pts

Some errors, paper length at least 7, but less than 10 pages along with varied sentence structure. 3 to 5 spelling and punctuation errors. APA format not precisely followed for citations and works cited page.

5.0 pts

Paper less than 7 pages with more than 5 spelling and punctuation errors in the assignment. Structure of paper flawed. APA style not used; no in-text citations and incorrect works cited page.

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeObjectives

45.0 pts

Project objectives stated clearly and concisely.

35.0 pts

Objectives stated somewhat clearly and concisely.

0.0 pts

Objectives unclear or not concise.

45.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePeer evaluation/statement of understanding

20.0 pts

Fully contributed and understands service issue addressed.

10.0 pts

Some contribution along with some understanding of service issue addressed.

0.0 pts

No contribution and/or no understanding of service issue addressed

20.0 pts

****NOTE: I just have to write 2 pages about innovation and technology issue in airlines with in text citation and work cited page

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