MAN 3025 USF Recommendations for Gender Equality for Union Pacific Report
Question Description
Important message: I finished the first part and uploaded it. I need the second part and the last part. The second part is very few, I need to get it in two days. The last part is delivered before the end of the task.
Important message: I finished the first part and uploaded it. I need the second part and the last part. The second part is very few, I need to get it in two days. The last part is delivered before the end of the task.
Important message: I finished the first part and uploaded it. I need the second part and the last part. The second part is very few, I need to get it in two days. The last part is delivered before the end of the task.
Global Citizens Assignment Overview
The Global Citizens Assignment will be a semester long project to becompleted individually. This project will raise awareness of the UNSustainability Goals while giving you the opportunity to practiceresearching and reporting on an issue you find interesting.
It will require you to choose one of the global issues provided (seebelow) as the main focus of your project. The potential topics listedare derived from the UN Sustainability Goals list.
The purpose will be to develop a report that provides recommendationsfor a company to address a given global issue. This will require you toresearch the UN Sustainability Goal and critically think about how anorganization can change their behavior to address the issue.
Once you have chosen a topic, that topic will be the focus of yourproject work for the rest of the course. Although the final product willbe submitted at the end of the semester, you will be required to makesubmissions throughout the semester. There are three stages to thisassignment, each with a deliverable to ensure you are moving along withthe project.
The following will outline the deliverable for each stage of thethree stages of the project. It will also outline some importantinformation about writing a report for this class. This will includeinformation about referencing and formatting your document.
Samples for each section will be provided throughout the semester aswe approach each deadline. Please also watch for announcements aboutmeeting times to come in to ask questions. These sessions will takeplace closer to the end of the semester and focus on the finalsubmission.
Deliverable List
Stage One
This stage requires you to complete three parts.
Part 1A (1%): Choose a Goal from the UN Topics listthat you would like to have as the focus of your audit. Please choose atopic that you are interested in researching.
The deliverable for this part is to list the goal you choose. Pleasenote, however, that once you pick a goal you cannot change it. If youchange it, you will have points deducted. You need to be sure that thistopic interests you and that you will use for your final report.
UN Sustainable Development Goals Topic List (Links to an external site.)
- Gender Equality
Part 1B (2%): Find a company that is doing something to help address this goal and research what it is doing. You will consider this your Exemplar Company. Youwant to find a company that others can use as a benchmark. The purposeof researching this company is to find ideas of what is being done in agiven area or industry. Ideas that you can use in providingrecommendations to your Case Company (see Stage 2 for details).
The deliverable should provide evidence that you have researched the Exemplar Company. This should include a list of at least 5 referencesthat you will use in your report that provide information about eitherthe company or the UN goal you have chosen. This can be any combinationof references, but at least one has to be about a company ororganization that is already doing something to achieve the goal.Meaning you can have 4 about the goal and 1 about the company. Or 4about the company and 1 about the goal. The purpose of this process ifto start the research process for your final report. Please see theStage 3 requirements to give you a better idea of what the reportrequires to help guide your research.
You are not required to provide a write up. References should be provided in APA format. For details on APA formatting see (Links to an external site.).
Part 1C (1%): Find a company that you would like tohelp improve. This should be a company or organization that is not doingenough to address your chosen UN topic and that could benefit from whatis being done by the Exemplar Company. This will be considered your Case Company. In your final report you will be providing recommendations to this company.
The deliverable is to list the company. Please note, however, thatonce you pick a company you cannot change it. If you change it, you willhave points deducted. You need to be sure you can use the company foryour final report.
Stage Two
This stage requires you to complete two parts.
Part 2A (2%):At this point you will have researched your UN Sustainability goal andhave read about at least one company (Your exemplar Company) that isdoing something to try and achieve that goal. Now you need to thinkabout how you are going to help your case company start moving towardthe goal. Based on your research what things can your case company do tomove toward achieving the US Sustainability goal.
The deliverable for this section would be an outline of your finalreport. Provide an outline of the report that has brief descriptions ofeach section you will have for the final report. The purpose of thisoutline is to ensure that you are on track to have the projectcompleted.
You want this to be as polished as possible. So include a title page, a table of contents, page numbers, and references.
Stage Three
Final Product is to be a 6-8 page paper on your recommendations foryour Case Company. This could be no shorter than 6 pages but cannotexceed 8 pages (double spaced). The page count does not include titlepage, table of contents, references or appendices. (12%).
This is to be a report on the goal, its importance, why the companyshould care and how this company can move toward making a difference inthis area. Think of yourself as a consultant hired to help the companymeet the chosen goal. You will need to make a case as to why they needto change and how they can change.
In this type of report, you want to give the organization options.Usually a report would have three potential courses of action that varyin scale, complexity and cost. Think of it as a small budget change(little disruption), a moderately budget change (moderately disruptive)and a large budget change (disruptive).
Once you have given the options, you then choose the one that you think is best suited for the company at this time.
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