Houston College Ideas on Benjamin Bannekers opinion on Blacks Discussion
Question Description
Besides being one of the authors of the Declaration of Independence and our countrys third president what do we really know about Thomas Jefferson? From the assigned readings you will have a chance to form your own opinion of Thomas Jefferson and get a sense of who he really was. At some point you may find him to be complex or simply a man that suffered from cognitive dissonance (having inconsistent thoughts and ideas). Whatever the case may be, for this assignment you are to construct a clear essay on the following questions:
- Discuss the central thesis of the reading located in Canvas Created Equal: How Benjamin Banneker Challenged Jefferson on Race and Freedom.
- For this question you are to read Jefferson pdf pgs. 219 222 located in Week 3 (Jefferson.pdf) Question: What are your thoughts as it relates to Thomas Jeffersons distinction between Native Americans and African Americans? Explain thoroughly.
- For this question you must also listen to the Banneker Podcast located in Week 3 (see Banneker Podcast). Question: From the reading (Created Equal) and the Podcast, who is Benjamin Banneker (list 3 important facts)? From what you have assessed about Benjamin Banneker, do you think he was well within his rights to send a rebuttal to Thomas Jefferson? Explain your rationale.
- Which source proves to be most informative on Banneker the podcast or the reading (Created Equal)? Explain your noted reasons.
- Is this topic on Jefferson and Banneker good History why or why not? Explain and give at least three (3) reasons to support your claim.
Paper Requirements:
Papers must be a minimum of two (2) complete pages and essay/ paragraph format, assignment to be double- spaced in Times New Roman 12 font, 1-inch margins.
- Begin a new paragraph once all questions are answered from each bullet.
- Please do not rewrite or number the questions, there is no need for excessive spacing and or subtitles in between the paragraphs.
- Heading on the left side (same as previous assignment).
- No cover-sheet – see heading requirement below.
In the event you need to support your arguments with outside sources (including your textbook) please cite sources. Reminder, any thoughts, words and ideas that are not your own must be footnoted and a Bibliography page must be attached. For additional information see Chicago Writing Style Tips in Canvas.
For your heading a cover sheet is not required. In the top left-hand corner place your full Name (1rst line), Critical Analysis number and Title of assignment (2nd line), date assignment due (3rd line).
Your name
Critical Analysis II
Nov. 12, 2020
Successful papers DO NOT PLAGIARIZE.
Cited Sources/ Footnote Documentation:
Created Equal: How Benjamin Banneker Challenged Jefferson on Race and Freedom. Accessed October 7, 2017 (date accessed example: June 12, 2020). https://www.facinghistory.org/nobigotry/readings/c… (Link to external site.) (Links to an external site.).
Carol Berkin, Making America (6th Edition): A History of the United States (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co, 2006), and page number.
Stuff You Missed in History Class: Benjamin Banneker, iHeart Radio. Podcast Audio. Date published example: June 10, 2013. Date accessed example: June 12, 2020. https://www.iheart.com/podcast/stuff-you-missed-in…
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