AMU Multicultural and Economically Diverse Population in A Community Discussion

Question Description

In order to plan an appropriate andeffective intervention, you need to choose a suitable theory or model ofhealth behavior and design program activities according to itsconstructs. You will also need to think about how the activities youcreate can be tailored to your specific target population. Once you’vedeveloped program activities, you can also complete a program logicmodel that shows the intended and expected relationships between programcomponents and the intended outcomes. A logic model is useful as aplanning tool, an implementation guide, and an evaluation resource. Inthis assignment, you will complete a basic logic model that representsthe components of your program.

Finally, once the intervention has beendesigned and the program components are clear, it is time to plan forprogram implementation. Even the most well-planned program will never beeffective in achieving the intended outcomes if it is not implemented.Many health promotion programs are not implemented directly by those whoplan them, rather they must be implemented by those in a position toreach the target population. In addition, those in a position toimplement the program may not be the decision-makers responsible forchoosing to adopt a program. To plan for program implementation, youmust determine who will adopt and implement the program, explore anypotential barriers to adoption, and establish the expected programimplementation tasks.


In this Assignment, you will: choose a theory or model of healthbehavior to guide the creation of program activities, justify yourchoice, create program activities, create a program logic model, anddevelop a program implementation plan.

Your Assignment should be approximately 3–4pages in length, written in primarily essay format and includeappropriate supporting citations and references in APA format. Addressthe following topics:

  1. Write an introduction that describes why theory is useful andimportant in the design of health promotion interventions. (1–2paragraphs)
  2. Choose a theory or model of health behavior to guide the creation ofprogram activities from this list: Health Belief Model, Theory ofReasoned Action, Theory of Planned Behavior, TranstheoreticalModel/Stages of Change, Social Cognitive Theory, Social EcologicalModel.
  3. Explain why you selected this theory or model. Your explanation should include: (3–4 paragraphs)
    1. a brief overview of the theory/model including its major constructs,
    2. a discussion of why it is appropriate for your program purpose and target population,
    3. evidence of this theory’s/model’s suitability for your program.
  1. Create at least 1 program activity based on each construct of thetheory or model you chose. Explain which program objective(s) issupported by each activity. Make sure you have at least one programactivity to support each objective. (2–4 paragraphs)
  2. Explain what is meant by tailoring program activities and describesteps you will take to tailor your activities to the target population.(1–2 paragraphs)
  3. Create a program logic model and write 1–2 paragraphs explainingyour logic model. You may create your own model or use the templateprovided in Course Documents.
  4. Develop a program implementation plan that: (3–4 paragraphs)
    1. describes who will adopt the program,
    2. identifies potential barriers to program adoption and offers strategies to address barriers
    3. describes who will implement the program,
    4. identifies potential barriers to program implementation and offers strategies to address barriers, and
    5. establishes the expected program implementation tasks and timeline.
  1. Write a summarizing conclusion. (1 paragraph)

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