SU Paula Plaintiff Really Bad Week Paula v Capstone Corporation Case Study
Question Description
Paula Plaintiff’s Really Bad Week, Part 2
In this assignment, youll need to decide whether Paula Plaintiffhas any legal claims arising from another series of unfortunateevents. After reading the scenario, answer the questions that follow,making sure to fully explain the basis of your decision.
Paulas bad luck continues. Five days after the events detailed inyour last assignment, Paula returns to work at Capstone Corporation.Unfortunately, she used her company e-mail to send her mom a personalnote about her injuries, despite being aware that Capstones companypolicy prohibits use of company e-mail for personal communication.Paulas supervisor, Mikey Manager, discovers Paulas violation and Paulais reprimanded. When Paula goes home, she uses her personal computer topost disparaging comments about her boss and Capstone Corporation onsocial media. The next day, Paula is fired from her job.
After several days of bad luck, Paula believes her luck is about tochange. She finds a new job in a nearby town. Paula had been using thebus to go to work at Capstone Corporation, but she will need to purchasea car to commute to her new job. Fortunately, her neighbor Freddy Fordhas just purchased a new vehicle and is selling his old Mustang. Paulameets with Freddy and agrees to purchase the Mustang for $1000. Theparties also agree that Paula will bring Freddy the money the next daywhen she picks up the car. The next day, Paula calls Freddy and says, Ihave the money. Id like to come pick up my car. Freddy replies thatPaula is too late. He sold the car earlier in the day.
1. introduction and conclusion
610 paragraph paper, answer the following questions:
- Does Paula have any legal claims against Capstone Corporation?What about Paulas actions? Does Paula have a contract with Freddy topurchase the car? Consider the following:
- Does Paula have a right to privacy when using CapstoneCorporations e-mail system? Discuss ones right to privacy and relateit to the facts in the scenario.
- Can Paula be legally fired from her job for making negativecomments about her boss and her company on social media? What about freespeech? Discuss these issues and relate them to the facts of thescenario.
- Do Paula and Freddy have a contract for the sale of the Mustang?Discuss the elements of a contract and relate those elements to thefacts of the scenario.
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The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:
- Analyze constitutional issues based on the events in a given scenario.
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