ERAU Effective Leader Nelson Mandela & Ineffective Leader Teodoro Mbasogo Essay
Question Description
For this submission, provide the first section of the research project.
Your submission should include a title page, at the least, six pages of analysis, and at least two non-textbook references on the leadership subjects you are working on.
Label each Sections as:
- Title Page
- Section 1- The Five Models of Personality and Traits of Effective Leaders or Ineffective Leaders. Use subheadings to identify each Leader.
- Section 2- Leader’s Theory X and Theory Y. Use subheadings to identify each Leader.
- Section 3- Leader Ethics. Use subheadings to identify each Leader.
- References
Review the attached Final Project Rubric for grading criteria and the Research Project page for additional details on completing this assignment.
Complete and submit the following to this assignment:
- Title page
- The Five Models of Personality and Traits of Effective Leaders or Ineffective Leaders (Chapter Two) – Discuss the personalities and traits of your leaders. Be specific. Please have at least two full pages of analysis.
- Leader’s Theory X and Theory Y (Chapter Two) – Discuss which of these theories your leaders possess or possessed. You may identify Theory Xy or Theory Yx as well. Be specific. Please have at least two full pages of analysis.
- Leader Ethics (Chapter Two) – How ethical are/ were your leaders? Be specific. Please have at least two full pages of analysis.
- References- At least two non-textbook references related to three sections you are working on.
You are submitting your paper as a draft to Turnitin so that you can check the originality report, but your paper will not be stored in the Turnitin repository at this time. Use this opportunity to ensure you are submitting original content formatted according to current APA guidelines. Your Turnitin score must not exceed 30%.
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