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University of Phoenix Career Growth Through Networking and Mentorship Responses

Question Description

Reply to these 3 responses with 150 word min each and a minimum 1 reference each

1. Networking is necessary for building a successful career because it helps develop skills needed in the working world. Networking helps one to develop skills and work on weaknesses and strengths. Meeting others in the same career, attending job training and workshops are a great way to start networking. Networking can also begin to have a conversation with someone one never meets at the grocery store or coffee shop. I was invited to my friend’s birthday brunch; we introduced ourselves and started talking about different things in the world. Into the conversation, some brunch members were looking for people to be a part of the organization they work. I was so happy because I was job hunting went to a few interviews with no callbacks. I was frustrated. We all exchanged numbers and stayed in contact with each other from then through networking. I got a job as a residential habilitation specialist for a non-profit organization, which helped me learn how to function in a new environment where I had no experience but was willing to learn. A start-up job club is an excellent way to start networking. Job club can help connect with other job seekers and provide up to date information on which company is hiring. Social media is also an excellent way to network; online building is another way employers and recruiters seek applicants (Share, n.d.).


Share, J. (n.d.) 8 Networking Strategies to Improve Your Job Search.…

2. I view networking as “socializing professionally”. Simply stated, networking is building professional relationships for the purpose of gaining/sharing knowledge. Networking is necessary for building a successful career for several reasons. For example, networking helps someone achieve career goals. For example, my goal is to become a director of an inpatient unit in a hospital setting. Higher level administrative positions are few and far between at my current place of employment. Therefore, I am limited to opportunities unless I build professional relationships in my field outside of my organization. So, I have made a concerted effort to build relationships with people in my similar position at other hospitals. Hopefully, if a director position opens up at another facility, I will be considered for the position. Another reason that networking is helpful is that industry specific knowledge is shared. For example, I attended a conference last year where I discussed methods to improve nursing retention. By sharing experiences, I was able to bring back some ideas to my own hospital that were successful. I would not have learned of these tactics had I not seized the opportunity to network.

The most effective strategy for the job search is to build relationships (The 15 Best, 2020). To be seriously considered for higher level positions, word-of-mouth recommendations from those trusted in the organization are priceless.

The most effective strategy for ongoing professional development is to develop expertise (Networking at work, 2020). For example, pursue and advanced degree or attend conferences. This strategy will build your expertise and expose you to people that may help you in the future.

Networking at work: How to accelerate your professional growth and build your career. (2020). Ellevate.…

The 15 best networking strategies you’re not using. (2020). Forbes.…

3. Mentoring has gained its popularity and has been recognized to be an effective way in helping novice teachers to deal with challenges facing them in their first years. As mentoring deals with human relation, thus relationship between mentor and novice teachers plays significant roles for mentoring effective outcome” (Hadi, M.J., & Rudivanto. M, 2017).

Mentoring is a powerful tool for personal development and empowerment. Mentoring is an effective strategy of helping an individual to grow in their career path and become successful. Mentoring facilitates the networking process because it birth partnership between two or more people (mentor and mentee). These are people who normally have the same career path with more experience. This type of relationship, mentors are eager to transfer experience but the mentee must be willing to engage in self-evaluation because mentors want you to be successful at the end. “a student who has a mentor “is likely to become a more satisfied, successful, and confident professional psychologist.” (Johnson 2007, p. 261). “A mentor is an experienced faculty member or supervisor who will provide you with knowledge and advice. However, you can also expect your mentor to challenge your personal and professional growth (Johnson, 2006). “One to one interviews were conducted with 15 program participants. Findings show that although this group is young, they have an awareness of their lack of social capital and use their mentorship relationship to build social capital. Mentees then use this newly acquired social capital to help pursue educational attainment through acceptance to university programs and connections to practicing professionals” (Shier, M.L., Gouthro, S., & de Goias, R, 2018).

Shier, M. L., Gouthro, S., & de Goias, R. (2018). The pursuit of social capital among adolescent high school aged girls: The role of formal mentor-mentee relationships. Children & Youth Services Review, 93, 276–282. https://doi-

Hadi, M. J., & Rudiyanto, M. (2017). Significance of Mentor-Mentee Relationship and Training for Effective Mentoring Outcomes. Online Submission, 1. Retrieved from…

Johnson, W. B. (2006). On being a mentor: A guide for higher education faculty. Nahwah, NJ: Erlbaum;

Johnson, W. B. (2007). Transformational supervision: When supervisors mentor. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 38, 259-267.

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