ENGL 1020 ETSU Discrimination Against African Americans Research
Question Description
ENGL 1020-946: Critical Thinking and Argumentation
Part I: Additional Research
For the final phase of the research project, you will conduct additional necessary research, refine your working thesis, and formulate supporting arguments and rhetorical strategies appropriate to the audience and discipline. You will then assemble and incorporate evidence from secondary sources, taking care that such sources support rather than supplant your own argument.
Part II: The Critical Essay (300 points)
The result of your semester-long research and preparation will be a formal, critical essay, 8 to 10 pages in length, in MLA formatting, with a works cited page. In your introduction, be sure to summarize your research topic and introduce your thesis statement. Use quotes only when necessary and relevant and not as filler or a substitute for your own argument or interpretation. Paragraphs should have topical and transition sentences, and the essay should be organized in a logical format, ending with a well-written conclusion. Use in-text citations for all quotes, summaries, paraphrases, and ideas that are not your ownanything less is plagiarism. Remember: show rather than tell; be specific; use active verbs; point, evidence, analysis. Godspeed!
ØYour Research Paper Rough Draft is due to the dropbox on D2L by 11:59 pm on Tuesday, November 10. It should be at least 5 pages plus a works cited page. (50 points)
ØWhen you submit your rough draft to the dropbox November 10, you should also post it to the peer review workshop under Week 13. I will then provide you with a questionnaire and put you into groups for online peer-review, which will be completed through the discussion board on Tuesday, November 17. (25 points)
ØYou will also need to participate in an email conference with me no later than Tuesday, December 1. After receiving your rough draft from me by email with comments and questions, you will need to respond with your own questions (at least two). (25 points)
ØYour Revised Research Paper is due Tuesday, December 8, by 8:00 pm to the dropbox on D2L. It should be 8 to 10 pages plus a works cited page (with 8 to 10 scholarly/peer-reviewed sources) and also counts as your final exam. (250 points)
ØBoth the Rough Draft and Revised Research Paper will be submitted to Turnitin.com to check for originality. Late papers will not be accepted.
ØPlease send me an email (canterz@etsu.edu) if you have any questions or concerns.
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