TSU Control System Analysis and Design & Associated Activity Diagram Concept Maps
Question Description
For the following, draw the Level 0 UseCase (10 points), Level 1 Use Case (10 points), and an associatedActivity Diagram (i.e. an activity diagram that links to one objectidentified in the level 1 Use Case Diagram) (10 points)
Captain Jim Miller retired from theAir Force and joined a group of recreational pilots in the San Franciscoarea, the Mad Bay Bombers. The Mad Bay Bombers practice aerialacrobatics and attract members from as far away as Los Angeles andSacramento. One day Jim offered to fly down to meet a group member inLos Angeles and made the return trip with four other passengers and MadBay Airlines was formed. The airline specializes in roller coaster airtravel in California, focusing on trips under two hours. Currently,there are five small passenger planes that fly between San Francisco,San Jose, Sacramento, and Las Vegas. Flights are irregular, as thepilots are all Air Force retirees, but one of the fifty members can bealways be convinced to make a Friday afternoon flight to Las Vegas and aSunday evening flight returning to San Francisco. To get a flightscheduled, Jim sends out a message in a group chat to see if anyonewants to make a trip. He only sends out the message after hes hadinterest from a group of two or more people for a specific trip. Tripsare claimed first-come, first-served by the different pilots. Onceclaimed, the customers show up at the airport an hour early for asecurity clearance and a complementary Dramamine pill (it helps withmotion sickness…once a passenger got sick…it wasnt pretty). Up tofour passengers can load into the airplane. Then, once a full complimentof passengers AND the pilot have loaded, they make their flight.
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