BMGT 364 TCGTC Week 2 Mission & Vision Management Organization Discussion
Question Description
Week 2 Introduction
Fayol defined planning in terms of forecasting future conditions, setting objectives, and developing means to attain objectives. This weeks we will consider the planning function of the POLC framework considering the setting of an organization’s mission and vision, and the planning process to successfully see the vision to fruition including the setting of goals, the objectives necessary to complete the goals and the strategic planning that must be in place to meet the objectives.
An organizations future direction is laid out in the definition of the goals it has established. Planning is the process of establishing those goals and aligning the resources available to achieve the accomplishment of those goals. Taking into consideration the available human and physical resources and how to get the most effect from their deployment is what defines the planning process; the first pillar in Fayols POLC framework.
Theme 1: What is the planning function and how does it work?
Planning is the way managers and leaders of organizations begin the process laying out the future course of actions. The planning function will lay out how an organization will go forward seeking to meet its vision, as well as who will have responsibilities in the process. It lays out how the resources will be used, whether it be physical or human resources, in the most effective manner. In most cases there will be many plans in place as the organization sets out to bring its vision to life and complete its mission.
In the planning stage, an organization defines the vision and mission statement or set out to redefine the statements if it is going through a major change. Having a well thought out Mission will help employees and the public understand what it is the company stands for and a fully thought out vision will provide a clear indication of what/where the company intends to be in the future. Next comes the formulation of the goals and objectives (which are actionable initiatives), and then evaluation (strategized) against the vision, mission, purpose, etc. Goals and objectives are revisited several times in the planning session and measured by a manager during the lifetime of a company’s existence.
Long-term goals are often created through planning and strategizing. The process begins with the vision and mission of the business. To understand the concepts of vision and mission and their role in the process, you will take the role of the leader and formulate the vision and mission of an organization.
When an organization undergoes any type of significant change; wants to change its image or wants to expand into new industries it may become necessary to redesign its Mission and Vision statements to accommodate the new direction. The organization will want to ensure it remains relevant and maintains market share. Unfortunately, crafting a good Mission and Vision is not as simple as it may seem and can be very difficult. Many organizations have not done a good job of establishing their mission and creating a new vision.
Theme 2: Strategic Management
The course readings demonstrate that setting goals and objectives are an integral part of the strategy formulation stage. There is also a need for critical thinking in the formulation and evaluation of goals. However, the development of goals cannot occur until the vision and mission statements are known to a manager. Usually the leader(s) of an organization creates the vision and mission statements for the business setting out the long-term goals of the organization (vision) and the way the business should go about achieving the goals (mission). The manager can have a role in the development of the mission and vision statements depending on the size of the business and level of manager. Regardless of whether the vision and mission statements are created by the leader or manager all planners must have a clear understanding of the meaning of the vision and mission and their relation to the planning function.
A successful strategy is essential to opening and sustaining a business. In these readings, you will discover how managers can build an organizational strategy to a company’s competitive advantage.………………………
Discussion Instructions
Please refer to the Discussion Grading Rubric for details regarding how your performance will be assessed. NOTE: Please be certain to read the entire discussion assignment since in some cases there is more than one question to discuss, respond to, or address. Be sure that you have answered the entire question!
Initial Post
This posting should answer the requirements using the course materials from week 2 to support the ideas presented. If you are uncertain as to how to support the ideas presented, go to Content and view the module, learn How to Support What You Write.
It is important to write concisely, provide the chapter title or chapter heading. Include in-text citations and a reference in a reference list. To see how to cite the eBook, go to Content and view the module, learn to Use APA. The citation and reference information is on the right-side of the screen.
For Discussion
- Select a company and identify its mission statement. Using this weeks course readings, explain whether the company has a good mission statement. Discuss whether the company has a successful vision statement. If so, is the vision statement a good vision according to the course materials? Why or why not.
- Many organizations talk about how there is a need to develop a new strategy, but unfortunately do not clearly understand the difference between developing a strategy and establishing a new plan. Using the course readings, clearly define the difference between a Strategy and a Plan.
- Differentiate between Goals and Objectives and explain how managers use these to support the organizational plan. Give examples.
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