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De Anza College The Apology by Plato Questions Discussion

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The Apology by Plato offers one of the best dramatic portraits of the lone individual standing up for what he believed, in the face of the passions of the mob intent on destroying him for what he believed.”Plato’s Apology is one of the most famous and admired texts in world literature. It offers what many scholars believe is a fairly reliable account of what the Athenian philosopher Socrates (469 BCE – 399 BCE) said in court on the day that he was tried and condemned to death. Although short, it offers an unforgettable portrait of Socrates, who comes across as smart, ironic, proud, humble, self-assured, and fearless in the face of death. It offers not just a defense of Socrates the man but also a defense of the philosophical life, which is one reason it has always been popular with philosophers!” – Emrys WestacottThis week you will read Plato’s Apology, answer some study questions and take a quiz on the Apology.To start you should watch this video for some context:Philosophy: A Guide to Happiness – Socrates on Self-Confidence you need to read the etext of Plato’s Apology: HERE (you can skip the Introduction) is standing before 501 jurors in a large forum. The prosecuters – Anytus and Myletus – have already argued their cases. Now it is Socrates’ turn to argue his apologia (defense). The dialogue starts at this point.You can listen to an audio version here:The Apology by Plato – Full Audiobook, read/listen to the dialogue carefully. Answer the 12 questions below. Your answers in total should be a submission of at least 500 words, not including the questions themselves. Your responses should be numbered and formatted correctly. You should not go to outside sources, since the purpose of this assignment is to have you read a classic of world literature and philosophy, not some dubious interpretation by someone else on the internet. Using outside sources could even lower your score. You should minimize direct quotes. Submit your answers in the upload box below. It is best to use a Word file or pdf file. You should not use a phone.If you know the answers to these questions you will do well on the quiz.Study Questions on the Apology:1) Socrates says, “And first, I have to reply to the older charges and to my first accusers, and then I will go to the later ones. ” Explain who these two groups of accusers are.2) What kind of reputation did Socrates have in Athens? Be as specific as possible.3) How does Socrates distinguish himself from Sophists like Gorgias, Hippias amd Evanus?4) Explain the sense in which Socrates thought he might be wise but also not have much knowledge. (the story of Chaerophon)5) In his exchange with Meletus what point is Socrates making with his analogy of training horses?6) What were the two specific legal charges against Socrates? In what sense might the charges have been true?7) How does Socrates respond to each of these charges? Be as specific as you can8) What beneficial role does Socrates think he plays in the life of Athens?9) What reward does Socrates say he deserves? And why does he think he deserves it?10) What punishments does Socrates consider and why does he reject them?11) Why does Socrates say he does not fear death?12) Pick the TWO intellectual virtues (see the Module list) that you think Socrates exemplifies the most and explain why.

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