MGMT 436 ERAUE Environmental Factors Affecting Business Paper
Question Description
Here are the instructions for this assignment:
week you will start the creation of a SWOT analysis which is the
identification of your strategic audit company’s Strengths, Weakness,
Opportunities, and Threats. For this module, you will start to develop
Section III of your Strategic Audit Report by creating pieces pertaining
to the external environment and how they impact your selected company
by developing an EFAS table or summary of external factors. They include
opportunities and threats such as the natural physical environment,
societal environment, task environment. Researching these areas will
help you identify the opportunities and threats that can enhance or
threaten your strategic audit company. Being able to realize what can
impact your organization for good or bad is imperative to creating and
maintaining a successful strategy.
Complete Your Deliverable
Provided are the guidelines to complete each part:
- Provide a written overview of the natural and physical environmentsaffecting your strategy audit company. This summary could include topicssuch as but are not limited to the climate, pollution, weather,temperature, sea level, fresh water, flooding, etc. There is no minimumof the number of topics to write about; however, each one should berelevant to your strategic audit company.
- Explain how the following forces are currently affecting industries in which your strategic audit company competes:
- Economic
- Technological
- Political-Legal
- Sociocultural
Please provide a 2-3 sentence explanationfor each force, with at least one outside source properly cited andreferences for each to validate and support your answers.
- Complete an External Factor Analysis Summary (EFAS) table following the guidelines and instructions in the following documents:
Review the Strategic Audit Report Guidelines page for additional details on this course project.
Submit Your Results
- Parts 1 and 2 of your assignment should be one page in length for each part.
- Part 3 of your assignment should consist of the completed worksheet.
- All pages should be double-spaced, with sources cited and referenced using current APA formatting.
You should have a total of two (2) pages and the completed worksheet upon completion of all parts. Compile all pages of your document to submit to this assignment.
Save your assignment using a naming convention that includes yourfirst and last name and the activity number (or description). Do not addpunctuation or special characters.
Your paper will automatically be evaluated through Turnitinwhen you submit your assignment in this activity. Turnitin is a servicethat checks your work for improper citation or potential plagiarism bycomparing it against a database of web pages, student papers, andarticles from academic books and publications. Ensure that your work isentirely your own and that you have not plagiarized any material!
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