LAPC Aristotles Idea of Ethics and Microaggressions Philosophy Essay
Question Description
This is the essay Prompt: and ive included all texts, lectures, articles. etc.
General Criteria
- Total Paper Points: 20 points
- Canvas Dropbox Allowable formats: *** Word, .docx or PDF format ***
- 1000 to 1200 words (4 to 5 pages)
- Open books/Open Notes
- Times New Roman or Arial 12 point fontDouble Spaced
- 1 Margins
- Cite all resources. You do NOT need to use any particular style (e.g., APA or MLA)
- You may use first person I. You may also use second person you. Or, you may use third personone.Pick one and be consistent. For example (Aristotle, p. 216)
- Extra credit: 4 points possibleGoalAristotles Virtue Ethics aims to guide one to use reason for a practical purpose, to act virtuously. Phronesis, practical wisdom. How, according to Aristotle does reason determine right action? How does happiness relate to virtue, according to Aristotle? Should we cancel Aristotle? Why or why not? In Addition, can hitting the golden mean helps us deal with microaggressions? Not in a passive way but rather as a means to deal with microaggressions while in the process of eliminating them. Why are why not? In hitting the golden mean, the excess and deficiency are vices, feelings. Might the five criteria Aristotle presents us with help one to respond virtuously to others who are perceived as not acting virtuously, as in the case of microaggressions. Why or why not?There is no one right answer here. You are invited to take a position and defend it with a line of reasoning and evidence. Be sure not to merely summarize the theories but rather defend your position with quotes from the readings, examples, and your own thoughts and experiences. You may write from the first-person perspective.Quotes/Evidence: Be sure to use at least four (4) quotes from the readings. Also be sure to indicate the source of your quotes by last name and page number. For example, (Aristotle, p.205)
As a reminder, the topics we have covered during our first four weeks:
- Aesops Moral Tales
- Introduction to Ethics in General
- Cultural Relativism and FGM
- Aristotles Virtue Ethics
- Challenges for Virtue Ethics
- Should We Cancel Aristotle?
- Coddling of the American Mind
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