Northeastern University R Markdown Code Project
Question Description
Question 1
1) Watch videos for R-Markdown and replicate code shown in those videos
2) Install readr library in RStudio
3) Save scores.csv file on your computer and copy the path where the file is saved. The csv file can be found in the Contents folder for Week 2
4) Set working directory to the path where the file scores.csv is saved
5) Import scores.csv file in R
6) Print the first five rows of the scores data
Steps 2) through 6) can be found in the program Week2_P1 stored in the zipped folder called Week 2 files. You will have to change the file directory path to run it on your machine.
Question 2
Write a program using R-Markdown answering questions listed below under Exercises immediately after each section. For clarity, make sure to give an appropriate title to each section.
Sections: Introduction, Prerequisites, First Steps, The mpg Data Frame, Creating a ggplot, A Graphing Template
- Exercises: 1, 2 (Read it as mpg and not mtcars), 3,4, 5
Sections: Aesthetic Mappings
- Exercises: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6
Sections: Common Problems, Facets
- Exercises: 3,4, 5
Sections: Geometric Objects
- Exercises: 2, 5, 6
Sections: Statistical Transformations
- Exercises: 1, 2, 5
Sections: Position Adjustments
- Exercises: 1, 2, 3
Sections: Coordinate Systems
- Exercises: 1, 3, 4
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