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Ashland County West Holmes Career What Is Important For Well Being Worksheet

Question Description

Formal Proposal instructions (in brief)

The proposal shows that you have given ample thought to your topic and how to go about researching it in effort to answer some of your key questions in pursuing and forming an informed argument. What follows is a short step-by-step instruction.

The set-up:

Top LEFT corner of paper: heading that includes your name, English 102/section etc., my name, and the date. The heading should be single spaced.

–Skip a line—

In CENTER of page: type Formal Proposal (in bold)

–Skip a line—

LEFT JUSTIFY: type Introduction (in bold) and hit Enter to begin typing this section on the next line down: Spend about 10 sentences introducing your topic/area of inquiry. List questions you generated when brainstorming (questions you want to answer in the course of your research). Explain how you came be interested in this topic or why you are qualified to write about this topic. You may want to provide what you already know about the topic or why this particular topic is important to a broader area of study or audience. I tend to use this section as a combination introduction/summary/abstract. This section should be single spaced and left justified.

— Skip a line –

LEFT JUSTIFY: type Areas to be Studied (in bold) and hit Enter to begin typing this section on the next line down. Spend about 5 – 10 sentences exploring your grounds (reasons) that you will be addressed as support for your overall argument.

–Skip a line—

LEFT JUSTIFY: type Methods of Research (in bold) and hit Enter to begin typing this section on the next line down: Spend 3 – 5 sentences explaining your ideas regarding how to go about researching or what kinds of texts you think will be of use in your research. You already know that you must find scholarship through the WVU databases. You also know that you must use a variety of databases. But consider what types of journals, books, etc. that you will be looking into. You may be looking into notable psychology journals or studies in neo-natal attachment or history texts, like books and documentaries. You may be looking for very recent sources, and others may be seeking out older, original sources. In short, you are simply giving consideration of how you intend to approach the research. This section should be single spaced and left justified.

–Skip a line—

LEFT JUSTIFY: type References (in bold) and hit Enter to begin typing this section on the next line down: Look up 3 -5 sources on your topic and provide citation for each in this section. All you have to do is locate the sources and provide the citations, nothing else. You will need your handbook or an updated online citation tool (See my Special Note in the Sample below). You will follow the MLA 2016 (8th edition) format for the citations. If you are not familiar with citations, bring your handbook to class, and I will walk you through it. Single space and left justify the citations, but skip a line between them.

–Skip a line—

LEFT JUSTIFY: type Request for Approval (in bold) and hit Enter to begin typing this section on the next line down: In a sentence or two, simply request permission to use this topic for your final paper and to go forward with your research on it. This is just a formality, but since it will take up a lot of time (both in and out of class), you are essentially asking for a sign off on the project.

Please use Times New Roman font, size 12, with standard one inch settings.

SAMPLE set-up:

Eric Bennett

English 102, Sec. 402

Prof. Amy

March 15, 2017

Formal Proposal


Blah blah blah blah (pretend this is 10 sentences long and super interesting and profound)

Areas to be Studied

Topic areas to be explored that relate to my three grounds include…blah blah blah.

Methods of Research

I will be using the World Cat database pool from the WVU Libraries. Specifically, I will explore those databases housing medical journals. I will look for research presented in the past 10 years. I might be able to use books or chapters in books. I am interested in finding works from scholars who have performed studies in America. …etc. etc… (3 – 5 sentences) .


Author’s Last name, First name. “Title of the source.” Title of the first container, First name Last name of any contributors, Version, Numbers, Publisher, Publication date, Location. Name of Database, URL or DOI.

Stevens Ruth S., et. al. “Self-Service Holds in Libraries: Is Patron Privacy Being Sacrificed for Patron Convenience?” Reference & User Services Quarterly, vol. 52, no. 1, American Library Association, Fall 2012, pp. 33-34. JSTOR,

Special note: I lifted these citation samples from, which has brief instructions for the updated MLA format.

Request for Approval

I am requesting approval for this topic and permission to begin researching in my area of inquiry.

[end of sample]

The outline:


To learn how to be happy, we must learn how to live well with others, and civility is a key to that” (Forni 6). The following research project will analyze three reasons/ground-based on respecting other people’s opinions to ascertain that civility is a crucial element for one to be happy and live well with others in the community. The research paper will investigate if being civil is beneficial to oneself despite the absence of reciprocation, and the doer will be happier, healthier, and more content in abiding by the rules.

Ground #1 – People who respect other people’s opinions have a more peaceful life and thus happier in the long-term.

Ground #2 – A person who respects other people’s opinions is more open-minded to new ideas; this quality aids in being more agreeable, thus able to live well with others and live a happier and healthier life.

Ground #3 – When people respect each other’s opinions, they can abide by society rules; hence, there is less conflict in society.

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