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Texas Southern University Conflict Theory by Karl Marx Discussion

Question Description


Conflict theory is a collectionof solid explanatory theories most appropriate for meso and macro-levelanalyses. This does not mean they cannot be used at the individuallevel but they are mostly utilized at higher levels. I will venture tosay that part of the way we understand conflict theories is contingenton how we see the world and what we think about the nature of people(your personal ontological perspective). In other words, if you thinkmost people are self-interested then you may be inclined to believeconflict is natural and a pathway to moving forward. However, if youperceive humans as internally good and cooperative beings then it maytake a bit more to understand why conflict is workable (don’t forgetmany of you suggested social justice was about peace and fairness).

book link: conflict theory chapter 2


For this week’s discussion, we are starting with the Institute forFamilies Study handout provided about the Alt-Right Movement that youall should have read. I want you to post your discussion as to how youunderstand this movement using a conflict perspective. You are requiredto: anser each question

1. Identify which conflict theory (or particular perspective) youwould use and provide an overview of it so everyone knows what yourunderstanding of this theory is.

2. Use this theory to interpret what you understand about the Alt-Right movement in general.

3.In what ways can your conflict theory (or perspective)explain/rationalize movement demography, core attitudes, and the study’skey findings?

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