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WU WK 4 Social Movements Publicly Campaigns Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a sociology question and need an explanation to help me learn.

Learning Resources

Required Readings

Loeb, P. R. (2010). Soul of a citizen: Living with conviction in challenging times (rev. ed.). New York, NY: St. Martin’s Griffin.

  • Chapter 8, “Village Politics” (pp. 195–227)
  • Chapter 9, “Widening the Circle” (pp. 228–256)

Document: Course Project Overview and Guidelines (Word document)

Required Media

Laureate Education (Producer). (2015d). Working toward positive social change [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

By Day 1

To prepare for this Discussion:

  • Review Chapter 8 in the Loeb text for insights into community mobilization and related influences on decisions for publicity campaigns.
  • Select a current or relatively recent example of a publicity campaign associated with a social issue in which you are interested or involved.
  • Evaluate the publicity campaign. What mediums, messages, and techniques did the campaign employ, and how did these make it effective?
  • Read the Discussion Spark topic, question, or comment posted by your Instructor in the Discussion thread.

By Day 2

Post a response to the Discussion Spark post. Your response should contain at least two significant paragraphs. Read the Discussion Rubric, as it will inform your writing. Important Note: The Discussion Spark and the weekly Discussion topic below will be graded together. You will see one score in your My Grades area.

By Day 4

Post your evaluation of the effectiveness of the publicity campaign you selected. Conclude your posting with insights you have gained about publicity campaigns and effective dissemination of information that could inform the publicity campaign proposal you are developing this week.

Support your assertions by making at least two references, in proper APA format, to your course readings.

Read a selection of your colleagues’ postings.

By Day 7

Respond to at least two of your colleagues’ postings in one or both of the following ways:

  • Expand on your colleague’s evaluation of a publicity campaign’s effectiveness by offering a new perspective or insight.
  • Share an additional insight on the importance of effective information dissemination for publicity campaigns.

Corey Vigdor

In the resources this week you were presented with a video narrated by Dr. Danver. In that video Dr. Danver spoke about two movements that he remembers as a child that impacted him and why. In this Spark discussion provide an example of movement that you have come in contact with on any form of media that has made an impact on you. Give a link to it if possible so that we can see it. Discuss who this campaign was intended for, why they chose the medium that they did to promote the movement and if you feel it was a successful approach.

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