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University of Toronto Find the Difference for Average Weight for Height Z Scores Ques

Question Description

I’m working on a economics question and need support to help me understand better.

  1. Generate and indicator (that is variable set to 1, if the household is poor, and to 0,otherwise) for each dimension listed in the table. Label these indicators as pdistance,pbank, ptoilet, phhelec, peduchead, phhassetg, phhlandd. [1.5 marks]
  2. b- What is the percentage of households who are deprived in each of these subdimensions.
  3. c- Compute the deprivation score for each household (to compute deprivation score seelecture notes), call this deprivation score pdimensions. What is the maximum value of thedeprivation score and what is the minimum value of the deprivation score interpret thesevalues. [2.5 marks].

    1. d- Define a household as multidimensionally poor if it is deprived on at least half of thedimensions (i.e., the multidimensional poverty threshold of 0.5). What themultidimensional headcount poverty rate. Use the normalized score to compute yourMultidimensional headcount poverty rate. [2.5 marks]
    2. e- Compute the Multidimensional Poverty Index (“Poverty Gap”). [2.5 marks]

    Question 2 [5 marks]

    1. a- Using data (ECO2117 final SAOAP.xls) on children’s weight for height compute theaverage weight for height z-scores (whz) for children with an eligible person in thehousehold and the average weight for height z-scores for those who do not have an eligibleperson in the household (noElig=1). What is the impact of pension eligibility on childrenwhz? Interpret your result in one sentence as we did in the lectures. [2.5 marks]
    2. b- Repeat the same as in question (a) but for children who are 2 years old or less. Compareyour results with those you obtained in (a). [2.5 marks]

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