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University of Illinois Damages Alleged Against Howard Community Hospital Questions

Question Description


This is a preview of the Discovery case discussion forum . Participate at Groups when the discussion is available. Check calendar open/close dates. Note that you may be assigned to a different student discussion group during the course.

Review the attached Gordon case summary. Respond to these questions:

  1. Describe the damages alleged by the plaintiff in this case against defendant Howard Community Hospital.
  2. Do you agree with the 2010 court decision that the hospital’s action met the definition of spoliation? Why or why not?
  3. Discuss in relation to this case the role of health records as evidence and the concept of legal hold.
  4. Offer recommendations for the hospital’s management of the legal health record and for its litigation response plan.

Appropriately cite the sources you reference to support your answers. Discuss with your classmates.

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