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University of Central Florida IKEAs Sustainability Report Engineering Analysis

Question Description

I’m working on a management case study and need a sample draft to help me learn.

question 1: Assignment:Review IKEA’s sustainability document. Provide max 1 page of yourthoughts on how well they address the topic as a company.

question 2:

The two core process capability indexes (e.g. Cp, Cpk) are oftendescribed as among the most valuable pieces of data needed to properlyunderstand and manage organizational processes and productcharacteristics. Together, they provide a basis for understandingexactly what can be expected from a stable and in control process.

Discuss how you might use these twoindexes to make recommendations to management regarding changes orinvestments that can be made in key organizational or product-relatedprocesses. Describe any patterns you might look for in these indexesand discuss how such patterns can be used to understand or predictimprovement outcomes.

question 3 :

Evans and Lindsay describe distinctions between traditional andstrategic human resource management in this week’s chapter reading. Asindustrial engineers, we can’t always influence how our organizationaddresses some of these concerns, but we can generally tailor most ofthe activities we carry out to at influence the organization’s HRpractices.

Select a Key Issue from the summary inTable 4.2 that you consider very important, and discuss the coredifference being emphasized by our authors for that issue. Discuss how,as an industrial engineer, you might have direct or indirectopportunities to influence the way your organization addresses thatissue in its policies procedures, and other actions.

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