University of Central Florida Entrepreneurship Customer Journey Canvas PPT

Question Description

The purpose of this assignment is to see if you can go beyond designing a creative solution to designing a delightful experience.

As you should know by now, the value a company creates for its customers is based on providing a brand journey where customers become aware of an offering, evaluate it (in relation to alternatives), purchase it, use it, and maintain/repair/dispose/repurchase it. You were recently asked to conduct research on an exiting solution and describe the experiences customers had with that (competing) offering/brand. The goal of that assignment was to identify and gain empathy for points in the journey that create frustration so you could focus on creating new gain creators and pain relievers that improve on this journey/experience.

This assignment is your chance to go beyond describing the solution you’ve designed to describing the experience you will create for your customer. You should engage your imagination and creativity at every stage to explain what you’ll try to get people to see, do, and feel throughout their journey with you. You’re goal is to be delightful – to create an experience that they’ll want to enjoy again and may share with others.

As before, you must complete both pages of the customer journey template provided below. Unlike your previous effort that asked you to use evidence to characterize a brand journey, your responses to this assignment will be based on your creative design thinking efforts. Begin by setting the stage with descriptions of your customer persona and the situation they are facing (i.e., jobs-to-be-done in some setting). Then describe the five phases of their journey with your offering – when they first become AWARE of your offering, how they ASSESS the quality/helpfulness of your offering (is it easy/hard to evaluate and choose), how they PURCHASE, what the USE EXPERIENCE is like, and what the POST USE experience is like. On the second page you must characterize how the experiences you create make your customer persona feel, and the problem-solution fit you’ve achieved by creating gains and killing pains experienced by your intended customer.

Recall this advice from the previous assignment:

  1. This is easier if you think of each column like you are filming scenes in a movie – what happens when your customer first becomes aware of this solution? What happens when they use it? etc… If you can use your empathy to “see” the action, facial expressions, emotions, etc., you should be able to fill this out effectively.
  2. It’s OK to leave a cell or two blank if you don’t think filling them out makes sense, but you should be able to fill out all or almost all of these if you close your eyes and create “mini-movies” of your customer interacting with the current alternative you selected.


  1. Open the revised template linked below (two pages) and follow the instructions for enriching your description of what your customer persona experiences when engaged with YOUR SOLUTION – Customer Journey Template – Your Experience Design.pptx downloadMinimize File Preview
  2. Rename and save your file using the naming convention firstnamelastname–experiencedesign.pptx.
  3. Upload your file to the assignment.


Your grade for this assignment will be assessed using the rubric below.


Starter Step Rubric (40 points)

Starter Step Rubric (40 points)

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeClarity

10 pts


Descriptions are exceptionally specific, vivid, and clear

9 pts


8 pts


Descriptions provide adequate clarity but lack detail and richness

7 pts


6 pts


Descriptions are below expectations, often vague or cryptic

5 pts

Slightly Below Average

4 pts

Below Average

Descriptions are far below expectations and difficult to understand

3 pts


2 pts

Very Poor

Descriptions are unclear, confusing, and inadequate

1 pts


10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThoroughness

20 pts


Descriptions are complete and very thorough and thoughtful

18 pts


16 pts


Descriptions are complete and somewhat thorough and thoughtful

14 pts


12 pts


Descriptions are complete but seldom thorough and thoughtful

10 pts

Slightly Below Average

8 pts

Below Average

Descriptions are partially incomplete

6 pts


4 pts

Very Poor

Descriptions are mostly incomplete

2 pts


20 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCreativity

10 pts


Descriptions often reflect creative ideas and proposals

9 pts


8 pts


Descriptions occasionally reflect creative ideas and proposals

7 pts


6 pts


Descriptions seldom reflect creative ideas and proposals

5 pts

Slightly Below Average

4 pts

Below Average

Descriptions never offer creative ideas and proposals

3 pts


2 pts

Very Poor

Descriptions are too poorly presented to assess creativity

1 pts


10 pts

Total Points: 40


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