Understanding Asthma Discussion
Question Description
nderstanding Asthma – 360p [Animation]
Duration: (1:16)
Click here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S04dci7NTPk
Type in the Subject line your TOPIC. This will make it easier forother students not to repeat posts. Once an example has been used itcannot be repeated for points.
You will be posting youradvertisement file ONLY. You can choose a topic now and enter it in asubject line to reserve it; then go back and add your advertisementlater when it is completed. This way you wont have to worry aboutsomeone else working on the same topic and potentially having to startover.
DQ Initial Post: Choose a respiratory disease/illness/condition. Topics cannot be duplicated.
an advertisement to promote awareness. You will be submitting your post
as an attachment using one of the following file formats: doc, docx,
ppt, jpeg, or pdf. Rich text format cannot be used for this project
because it does not support graphics. You can create the advertisement
in Word, PowerPoint, Publisher, PhotoShop, or another software program.
There is no minimum word count for the advertisement. You could also use
paper and add pictures, captions, etc just take a digital picture of
it and save it as a jpeg or scan it and save it as a pdf (or other
acceptable file format). You can copy facts for this assignment from
your source, but not entire sentences and paragraphs. Facts should be
short as a poster is meant to provide information quickly.
The Advertisement that you are posting for students should include the following:
Descriptive title
At least three pictures
At least two colors
At least three points of interest in text form (facts, statistics, etc)
Include the following information in an email to your instructor, DO NOT post these answers on the discussion board with your project file:
Title (can also include this in the project)
Intended audience (gender, age, ethnicity, etc)
Respiratory condition
Message being conveyed
Web source(s)
*An important note about images:
Many students break copyright laws during this discussion. Please beaware that most internet images (including Facebook images) are notfree to use; you must get permission from the author who posted it. Ifyou want to use an image that is copyright protected, email the authorand ask for permission. Send the email response granting permission toyour professor. At the bottom of the image, type: Courtesy of_____________.
You can also use images that are public domain and do not requirepermission to use. You might search for “free access” images inGoogle. You may also use one of the following URLs to find free accessimages:
Finally, you can come to any CSM campus and use a library computer toaccess free images. On the library home page, click on Databases-OnCampus. Scroll down to find a link to the CSM subscription that reads:
ImageQuest from Britannica Digital Learning
Accessto nearly 3 million rights-cleared images from many subject areas foreducational, non-commercial purposes. Possible uses include coursedevelopment, college web sites, campus newsletters, studentpresentations, and faculty use.
Please cite these free images so your professor knows where they wereobtained. To find out more about copyright laws, please visitwww.copyright.gov.
Requirements: 3 pictures
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