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SIMPATH 432 ASUAC Community Level Interventions Bayonne New Jersey Presentation

Question Description

Activity 12

Community Level Interventions

The windshield survey summary will require you to apply what you have learned through your basic windshield survey of Sentinel City® to a target population of your choosing. You will complete your project by comparing data from Sentinel City® with similar data from the city where your target population lives.

Your presentation will include 9 parts, which are described in detail below and include details in the speaker notes.

I. Introduction

Provide a brief introduction that identifies the demographics for the city where your target population lives.

II. Description of Your Target Population

Compose a detailed description of your chosen target population. In this section, you will describe the demographic characteristics of your chosen target population, including the population’s socioeconomic status, vital statistics, education level, religion, and occupations. Include a table, graph, and/or figure display that includes relevant demographic data for your target population.

III. Comparison of Sentinel City Demographic Data

Compare the demographic data of Sentinel City® with the demographic data from the city where your target population is located. You should present this information in a clear to understand table.

IV. Key Health Concerns or Issues

Present a list of the top 3 health concerns for your target population. Provide a brief description of these concerns and include data from your target population city that supports the rationale for selecting these health concerns. Select one of the 3 health concerns you identified and state why you decided to develop an intervention that addresses these particular health concerns/issues. Include the Healthy People 2020 objective that relates to your identified health concerns.

V. Community Health Nursing Diagnosis

Develop a community health nursing diagnosis based on your analysis of the demographic and health status data that you gathered.

Your community health nursing diagnosis should be written using the following format (Nies & McEwen, 2011, p. 101):

Increased risk of (disability, disease, etc.) among (community or population) related to (disability, disease, etc.) as demonstrated in or by (health status indicator, or etiological/causal statement).


Increased risk of obesity among school age children related to lack of safe outdoor play areas for children as demonstrated by above average BMI rates.

Increased risk of depression among persons with a physical disability related to the lack of handicap accessible facilities and social isolation as demonstrated by high suicide rate

VI. A & B. Intervention to Address the Diagnosis

Describe your proposed intervention that will address the community health nursing diagnosis for your target population. You may choose to develop your own intervention or modify one that was recommended by the Task Force on Community Preventive Services (TFCPS).

To view recommended interventions, visit the TFCPS website and select the topic you plan on addressing for your intervention. (Note: at the bottom of most topic pages on the TFCPS website there is a sample on how to cite the webpage. After reviewing the topics, click the “Resources” tab then click “Fact Sheets”. Here you may find fact sheets to share with your mentor at your practice learning site.)

Whether you modify an existing intervention or develop one of your own, you must discuss why this intervention will or why you needed to modify it because it would not work for your target population. Include advantages, population fit, and barriers in use of the intervention. You should include the long-term goals, two measurable objectives, and the required resources such as: time, equipment, finances, etc. [Note: you are not required to carry out your intervention]

VII. Evaluation Plan

Describe your method for evaluating the objectives of your intervention (for example, pre/post-test, survey, questionnaire, phone interview). Include one long term goal and two short-term measurable objectives.

Example of goals and measurable objectives:

Goal – To increase my potential for promotion at my place of employment

Objective – Complete all undergraduate nursing courses with a B+ or higher

Objective – Complete the American Sentinel University BSN program before 2020

Goal – To learn about public health nursing

Objective – Describe community health levels of prevention

Objective – List the 8 subsystems of a community

VIII. Summary of Sentinel City®

Summarize the assets (strengths) in Sentinel City® pertaining to the 8 community subsystems. In addition to the “people” (the core) of the community, there are eight subsystems that come together to form the assessment data for your windshield survey, which will contribute to your overall community assessment of Sentinel City®. The eight subsystems within every community include: 1) physical environment, 2) safety and transportation, 3) health and social services, 4) education, 5) recreation, 6) politics and government, 7) communication, and 8) economics.

Include your recommendations for improving/strengthening specific subsystems in Sentinel City®. Discuss other recommended changes or additions needed to improve the health of the population living in Sentinel City®.

IX. Reference List

Include references that were used as you developed your plan.

For the purpose of this assessment cite the Sentinel City® demographic data as follows:

U. S. Census Bureau. (2010). American FactFinder fact sheet: Sentinel City, USA Retrieved January 31, 2014, from

Reading and Resources

Harkness & DeMarco (2016) Read Chapter 9 (p. 154-161, 163-168)

Visit the Task Force on Community Preventive Services (TFCPS). The Community Guide.

Additional Instructions:

  • All submissions should have a title page and reference page.
  • Utilize a minimum of two scholarly resources.
  • Adhere to grammar, spelling and punctuation criteria.
  • Adhere to APA compliance guidelines.
  • Adhere to the chosen Submission Option for Delivery of Activity guidelines.

Submission Options:

Choose One:


Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation

  • 14 to 20 slides. Add title and reference slides.
  • Follow Rules of 7.

Other media (Prezi, etc.) presentation

  • 14 to 20 slides with speaker notes. Add title and reference slides.
  • Follow Rules of 7.


  • Table with appropriate columns and headers.
  • Include title and reference pages.

Graphs or other illustrations

  • Graphs or illustrations with appropriate labels. Include title and reference pages.


  • Poster utilizing any applicable poster template. Include visual graphics/images/other formats for visual appeal. Include appropriate title and references on poster.

Note: Title and reference pages/slides do not count towards the count requirements.


Population Health – Community Level InterventionsDescription: The baccalaureate graduate nurse will integrate evidence, clinical judgement,interprofessional perspectives, and patient preferences in planning, implementing, andevaluating outcomes of care.Course Competencies: 1) Examine community health nursing roles within the core functionsand essential services of public health. 4) Analyze frameworks for health promotion, diseaseprevention and risk reduction. 5) Utilize information from available data bases to assesscommunity health needs.QSEN Competencies: 1) Patient-Centered Care 2) Teamwork and Collaboration 3) Evidence Based Practice 4) Quality Improvement 5) SafetyBSN Essential IIIArea GoldMasterySilverProficientBronzeAcceptableAcceptableMastery notDemonstratedIntroduction[1-2 slides] Notmore than 7bullets per slide.Provide a briefintroduction thatidentifies thedemographicswhere yourtarget populationlives. Followsthe rules of 7 andincludes speakernotes.Provide a briefintroduction thatidentifies thedemographicswhere yourtarget populationlives. Does notfollow the rulesof 7 and/orincludes speakernotes.Provide a briefintroduction butdoes not identifythedemographicswhere yourtarget populationlives. Followsthe rules of 7 andincludes speakernotes.Does not addresssectionTargetPopulation [1-2slides]Demographiccharacteristics oftargetpopulation:socioeconomicstatus, educationlevel, religion oroccupations,vital statisticsdetailed.Follows rules of7 and includesspeaker notes.Demographiccharacteristics oftargetpopulation:socioeconomicstatus, educationlevel, religion oroccupations,vital statisticsdetailed. Doesnot follow rulesof 7 and/orincludes speakernotes.Demographiccharacteristics oftarget populationmissing one ofmore:socioeconomicstatus, educationlevel, religion oroccupations,vital statisticsdetailed.Follows rules of7 and includesspeaker notes.Does not addresssectionComparison ofSentinel City®Data [1 slide]Include table thatcomparesSentinel City®demographicdata with similardata from thecity where yourInclude table thatcomparesSentinel City®demographicdata with similardata from thecity where yourDoes not includetable thatcomparesSentinel City®demographicdata with similardata from theDoes not addresssection target populationis located(Include onlypopulation byage,race/ethnicity,and householdincome)target populationis located, one ormoredemographicsmissing (Includeonly populationby age,race/ethnicity,and householdincome)city where yourtarget populationis located(Include onlypopulation byage,race/ethnicity,and householdincome)Key HealthConcerns [3slides/4-6 bulletsper slide]Presents a clearlist of the top 3health concernsfor your targetpopulation.Provides adescription of thehealth concernyou areaddressing anddata to supportrationale forselecting thishealth concernHealth problemis clearlysupported bydata, theliterature, and/orstate or federaldatabases.Healthy People2020 objectiverelated toidentified healthproblemPresents a clearlist of the top 2health concernsfor your targetpopulation.Provides adescription of thehealth concernyou areaddressing anddata to supportrationale forselecting thishealth concernHealth problemis clearlysupported bydata, theliterature, and/orstate or federaldatabases.Healthy People2020 objectiverelated toidentified healthproblemPresents a clearlist of the top 1health concernfor your targetpopulation.Provides adescription of thehealth concernyou areaddressing anddata to supportrationale forselecting thishealth concernHealth problemis clearlysupported bydata, theliterature, and/orstate or federaldatabases.Healthy People2020 objectiverelated toidentified healthproblemDoes not addresssectionCommunityHealth NursingDiagnosis [1slide]CommunityHealth NursingDiagnosis iswritten using thecorrect formatCommunityHealth NursingDiagnosis iswritten usingincorrect formatCommunityHealth NursingDiagnosis iswritten using thecorrect formatbut is not relatedto theDoes not addresssection community orone or moreelements aremissingExistingCommunityHealthIntervention [1-2 slides]Identify anddescribe onecurrent orexisting publichealthintervention/program thataddresses yourhealthconcern/problemor a program thatcould bemodified to meetthe needs of yourtargetpopulation.Discuss why thisprogram will orwill not workwith your targetpopulation(advantages,population fit,and barriers inuse of theprogramIdentify anddescribe onecurrent orexisting publichealthintervention/program thataddresses yourhealthconcern/problemor a program thatcould bemodified to meetthe needs of yourtargetpopulation.Does not discusswhy thisprogram will orwill not workwith your targetpopulation(advantages,population fit,and barriers inuse of theprogramDoes not identifyand describe onecurrent orexisting publichealthintervention/program thataddresses yourhealthconcern/problemor a program thatcould bemodified to meetthe needs of yourtargetpopulation.Discuss why thisprogram will orwill not workwith your targetpopulation(advantages,population fit,and barriers inuse of theprogramDoes not addresssectionProposedIntervention [1-2 slides]Description ofyour proposedintervention.Include: Long term goal(s), 2measurableobjectives,resources neededsuch as time,equipment,finances, etc.Description ofyour proposedintervention.Include: Long term goal(s), 1measurableobjectives,resources neededsuch as time,equipment,finances, etc.Description ofyour proposedintervention.Does notinclude: Long term goal(s), 2measurableobjectives,resources neededsuch as time,equipment,finances, etc.Does not addresssection Evaluation Plan[1 slide]Describe yourmethod forevaluating theshort-termoutcomes of yourintervention (i.e.pre/posttest,survey,questionnaire,phone interview,etc.)Superficiallydescribe yourmethod forevaluating theshort-termoutcomes of yourintervention (i.e.pre/posttest,survey,questionnaire,phone interview,etc.)Does not includeone or more:method forevaluating theshort-termoutcomes of yourintervention (i.e.pre/posttest,survey,questionnaire,phone interview,etc.)Does not addresssectionSentinel CitySummary [2-3slides]Summary ofSentinel City®assets pertainingto the 8communitysubsystemsRecommendations forimproving/strengthening specificsubsystems inSentinel City®Otherrecommendedchanges oradditions neededto improve thehealth of yourtarget populationliving in SentinelCity®Summary ofSentinel City®assets pertainingto the 6-7communitysubsystemsRecommendations forimproving/strengthening specificsubsystems inSentinel City®Otherrecommendedchanges oradditions needed to improve thehealth of yourtarget populationliving in SentinelCity®Summary ofSentinel City®assets pertainingto the 5 or fewercommunitysubsystemsRecommendations forimproving/strengthening specificsubsystems inSentinel City®Otherrecommendedchanges oradditions neededto improve thehealth of yourtarget populationliving in SentinelCity®Does not addresssectionAPA, Grammar,Spelling, andPunctuationNo errors in APA,Spelling, andPunctuation.One to three errorsin APA, Spelling,and Punctuation.Four to six errorsin APA, Spelling,and Punctuation.Seven or moreerrors in APA,Spelling, andPunctuation.References Provides two ormore references.Provides tworeferences.Provides onereferences.Provides noreferences

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