Ohio State University Breast Cancer Developing Risk Mutation Research Paper
Question Description
I’m working on a health & medical question and need a sample draft to help me study.
Investigation in to BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation and the risk of developing cancer
so one of them is the work of my classmate, and my work should look similar in methods section and results
the introduction should speak about breast cancer and you should look in different papers and cite them
So materials and methods section just take from file 2 and paraphrase it
Discussion is where you discuss the results section and cite a lot of papers with similar results, and discuss different view points
about the results section, you can paraphrase it but find similar images that you can relate to result section
Paper details:
first of all look at the 2 files that I’ve attached. one is to provide you with knowledge about lab report on methods ect. and the second one is an example of how it should look like(reference, structure, look at everything)and if you lack data in the first file you can use the second one to fulfil. IMPORTANT the second file is a work of one of my classmates so dont reference it, it should be used to help you. If you have any questions message me here, I will be happy to help.
Report Writing Guidance:
TITLE: should be concise and state clearly what will be investigated
INTRODUCTION: I would suggest keeping this under 400 words. This section should provide a background to the topic and should provide a rationale for the investigation. Include the aims as part of the introduction (dont make it a separate, titled section). A few sentences on aims is fine.
METHODS: should be written in the past tense and should not include a list of equipment. You should also avoid reference to students, individuals, partners, groups etc. Your method should be clear and easy for someone else to reproduce (you could ask someone else to read it and then tell you what they would do).
RESULTS: Decide on what sort of chart or graph(s) you need; remember that the purpose of a graph or chart is to provide an easy to understand visual representation of the results so if e.g. you are making a comparison of results, you need to put them on the same chart, or side by side on the page, with the same axis scales so the message is immediately obvious
Make sure both axes are labelled with the variable and the units
Make your graph big enough (about half a page) and include it within the report, not at the end
Give every table, chart or graph a clear title and a short description that identifies the key features (e.g peaks, troughs, undershoot, overshoot, similarity or difference)
Do not include any explanation in this section
DISCUSSION: This is usually the longest section and should include a thorough discussion of your results in relation to your hypotheses and previous work.
Explain any limitations to your investigation and the effects that they may have had on the results
The discussion should include several key references
CONCLUSION: should clearly state what you found and your interpretation of it, relating back to the hypotheses. There should be no new information or explanation in this section
REFERENCES: Please use the APA referencing system
Use reputable sources such as peer-reviewed journal articles and aim for at least 20 in your reference list.
USE OF FIGURES: A picture tells a thousand words. Use figures to illustrate key points where appropriate. If you take figures from another source, remember to cite that source. Ensure they have figure legends.
Title –
Abstract –
Arial 12 1.5 spacing
keep on topic
Broad General Background
Implication of clinical condition
Why is it important? Why we need it hint toward limitations
Health implications
How is it measured?
Why we measure it
What does it have to do with health
Implication of obesity
Waist to hip
Depression cancer
Risk of diabetes associated with obesity
More references literature why check bmi
What we did and why we did it with references
Limitations strengths
Past tense 3rd person
Stats analysis u gonna do to
Working out
References for ppl that done it
Also last part how u gonna present process data. Excel or any other
In results at the start write participants how many. And write how many female and males .
Graph table legend title
Make sure u put Units
Summary of what the results say
What happened look at figure 1 (label the table and diagram figure 1 and 2) anthing that is not a table is a figure- title on top of table. Legend on top of figure.
Add literature in to method to prove it.
Use right graph to present data maybe box plots and correlation covariance or regression
Start with aim and if answered ur hypo or not. Then link literature and what others have said.
Tell us what u think results is saying
What others said
How it explains things the results
References ppl
Interpret data
If the data is None continues data Do a bar chart
Sex male female difference bmi find it (check nhs bmi calculator its there Alisa. Under why we are asking)
Understanding BMI results
Anonymous what caused it limitations of the actual thing u did. Refer back to the method
Limitations at the end paragraph measurement errors
Then go broad general again. 3 lines or 4. 100-150 words
Harvard APA
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