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NUR 370 Nursing Denver School of Nursing Cultural Dimensions Discussion

Question Description


Ethics across Cultures

Step 1: Answer the following prompts:

  • Is there an universal ethic that transcends cultures, and is it possible to determine right and wrong across cultures?
  • How does culture influence your own ethical decision-making?
  • How does ethical behavior among providers promote a culture of safety?

Step 2 Read other students’ posts and respond to at least two of them.

Use your personal experience, if it’s relevant, to support or debate other students’ posts. If differences of opinion occur, debate the issues professionally and provide examples to support opinions.

Cite any sources in APA format.


Ethics are a “set of moral issues or aspects (such as rightness)” (Definition of ETHIC, 2019). Ethics are different throughout many different cultures. However, there are some ethics that are considered universal ethics, such as murder. With that being said, different cultures view murder and the reasons for it very differently. With such a varied representation of ethics across different cultures it would be hard to determine what is right and wrong. Yes, you may think that something that a culture is doing is wrong, but they may not see it that way at all.

Culture helps me to make my own ethical decisions because it has attributed to the beliefs that I currently have. I have my own beliefs of what is right and wrong and what should be done if I do feel like something is wrong. Everyone’s own culture affects their own beliefs.

Most of us have heard the term for doctors and other medical professionals of ‘do no harm’. This is one way that ethical behavior influences and promotes a culture of safety. If a provider is acting ethically, in theory, they will do no harm to the patient.

Definition of ETHIC. (2019).


Ethics is a hard thing to make “one” in each culture. One culture may think something is appropriate, and another culture may think it is totally wrong. Each individual’s ethics set provides the fundamental sets of principles or beliefs (Head, 2006). There is, however, a few universal ethics. They are known as aggressive threats or force and harm against another, such as rape, murder, kidnapping, or assault (Universal Code, 2020).

It would be tough to determine right from wrong across cultures because people have different ethics and morals. Depending on their culture, how they raised them, and what they were taught. In my opinion, if it’s not hurting someone, then it’s not wrong. Everyone is entitled to their own belief system.

I think that culture has influenced my ethical decision-making because of how and where I was raised. I was raised in the United States (all over, due to family in the military,) and I had very influential parents who worked hard and believed in always doing the right thing, working hard, and never taking things for granted. I am a white American and was raised to believe in God, go to church on Sunday, and work for what I have. I believe there is a right way to do things and a wrong way. Even though others may disagree with what I believe in, or I may disagree with others, I think we should all love and respect one another.

If all providers and organizations contribute core values and behaviors that emphasize safety, it stands out to the community and patients. It’s hard to get help if you can’t trust the organization or doctor. Having these core values will decrease safety issues and medication errors also.


Head, G. (2006). Where our ethics come from. International Risk Management Institute, Inc.


Discussion: Facilitating Change

Respond to at least two of your fellow students’ posts.

Step 1 Answer the following prompts:

1. How does dissemination of nursing research facilitate implementing change?

2. What are communication strategies to facilitate change?

Step 2 Read and respond to two other students’ posts.

Read other students’ posts and respond to at least two of them. Use your personal experience, if it’s relevant, to support or debate other students’ posts. If differences of opinion occur, debate the issues professionally and provide examples to support your opinions.

Cite any sources in APA format.


Dissemination is the act of spreading or sharing information with others. Targeting the appropriate end-users is important. Reaching the right individuals with your message, health care workers, or delivery organizations is key to initiating change to take place. Once you have gotten the attention of your selected audience you can focus on your communication strategy. Things like tailoring the message based on the individual or framing the message can really grab someone’s attention. Using a narrative form and delivering the communication in the form of a story, testimonial or entertainment-education can also be very powerful as well.


Communication and Dissemination Strategies To Facilitate the Use of Health-Related Evidence. Effective Health Care Program. (2012, July 31).


“The lack of comparative research evidence to inform communication and dissemination of evidence, including uncertain evidence, impedes timely clinician, patient, and policymaker awareness, uptake, and use of evidence to improve the quality of care. Expanding investment in communication, dissemination, and implementation research is critical to the identification of strategies to accelerate the translation of comparative effectiveness research into community and clinical practice and the direct benefit of patient care” (McCormack, et., al., 2013).

Mccormack, Lauren & Sheridan, Stacey & Lewis, Megan & Boudewyns, Vanessa & Melvin, Cathy & Kistler, Christine & Lux, Linda & Cullen, Katherine & Lohr, Kathleen. (2013). Communication and dissemination strategies to facilitate the use of health-related evidence. Evidence report/technology assessment. 213. 1-520. 10.23970/ahrqepcerta213


Step 1: Post your response to the following questions in the discussion board:

This course covered topics that may have been new to you, or that you don’t usually give much thought.

  • Talk about three things from the course material that influenced how you think and/or will practice as a nurse within the health care system.
  • What would you like to learn more about?

Step 2: Read other students’ posts and respond to at least two of them


Throughout the course of this class I have learned many things about the inner workings of out healthcare systems & the improvements that need to be made. A specific takeaway is that quality in healthcare relies a lot on nurses & nursing care. The quality we provide out patients could mean the difference in their healthcare outcomes. Second is cost & cost effective care. In my practice as a nurse it is important that I am a good steward for my patients as well as advocate for things that might not be necessary in their medical care. And last advocacy does make the difference. We have big voices in healthcare, whether it be for one patient or a policy that we don’t think is right. By banning together out voices can be heard at many levels of healthcare, including at the government level. We should be more involved in the political aspect of healthcare in order to improve the system.

I am not sure what else I would like to learn to be honest. I guess you don’t miss what you don’t know! I guess one thing would be more of the insurance side of our healthcare system. As a nurse I sometimes have a hard time with the things that are approved through insurance or that may be denied. For example when a patient in my hospital seems to be appropriate for rehab but insurance denies them. I am always at a loss as to how they can do that when they never set eyes on the patient themselves. Thanks for a great class. I learned so much form you all. Keep up the great work!


The three things from the course material that has influenced the way I think are the following…

1. During our first discussion in the class we were asked about our political views. This discussion challenged my knowledge of the political process. It has made me more aware of the importance to have my own voice and not depend on my husband’s regurgitation of the news to me.

2. Never before have I ever given thought to be a part of the legislation process. Deciding on a topic of my interest, researching it, and then submitting it a pretend letter to a congressperson made me understand that I could make a difference in the way something is done just by voicing an educated concern.

3. Tracing a piece of legislation through its process to becoming a law helped me understand how the government works. I thought back to my childhood watching “Schoolhouse Rock” on Saturday morning cartoons. It was funny to me and made me laugh out loud about how much I retained from having something complex made simple by setting it to music. I feel that I am a more well-rounded person in the subject of politics now that I have completed this course.

The thing I would like to learn more about is shared nursing governance in my hospital and on my unit. I feel empowered through this class to become more knowledgeable about things close to home that I experience personally while being a part of a care team. I do not have a desire to be involved in grand scale politics on the state or federal level, but having a small voice where I am won’t be too hard to do.

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