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NCE How to Use a Battery Bank Properly Fundamentals & Parameters Worksheet

Question Description

I’m working on a writing question and need guidance to help me understand better.


Submit the following three (3) components in ONE MS Word file as instructed below:

  1. A memo addressed to Professor or Dr. Alicia Carthell (from you or both group members) that details specific design and writing changes you made.
    • Discuss all design and writing conventions breached in the original instructions (see Kolin chapter 12).
    • Discuss specifically all solutions you employed to remedy the design and writing issues, and provide rationale for your writing and design decisions.
    • Use the conventional format for a memo (e.g., no greeting, closure but no closing or signature line, and contact information in the concluding paragraph, etc.)
    • Make sure your memo is reader-friendly, professional, concise, and well written with a polished design and conversational with required paragraph headings. Single space the memo–providing one space between paragraphs.
  1. A link to the original instructions, which MUST be included in the body of your memo as part of the discussion. If you are not revising online instructions, include copied and pasted instructions or clear screenshots or scans.
  2. Revised version of the instructions (revised writing and design with required relevant image for all or, at the very least, most steps. You may use the original images, create your own, use Google images, or a mixture of images. Images must not be cartoonish). Images are required.

Assignments must be submitted in ONE MS Word filet. Twenty-five (25) points will be deducted if more than one file is submitted. Incomplete assignments and assignments that do not meet the minimum criteria as listed above will be assigned an “E.”

Note: Both writing and design will play a part in your overall grade. You will be graded on writing (clarity and economy of expression), document design (layout, style, C.R.A.P., balance, etc.) and images (clarity, aspect ratio, placement, size, shapes, etc.)


Checklist for Success


  • Does the title of the instructions fully convey what the instructions are about?
  • Do the instructions have an opening sentence or introductory paragraph?
  • Is a description of the equipment included? (if applicable)
  • If materials/tools are required to complete the process, is a list included?
  • Is it clear who the intended users are? For example, is there a sentence that tells users what knowledge or skill level the writer believes is necessary to comprehend the instructions?
  • Is the scope of the instructions clear?
  • Does the writer explain how the instructions are organized? (if complex)
  • Does the writer give advice about how to use the instructions most effectively? (if applicable)
  • Does the writer explain any conventions and or terms used in the instructions? (if applicable)
  • Are the instructions persuasive? (Imperative mood, succinct writing, design, visuals, etc.)
  • Are notes and/or tips included? Is the design distinctive from the steps?
  • If there are safety issues associated with performing steps, does the writer do the following:
  • Make the cautions and warnings visually distinctive in design and color?
  • Place them so that users read/see them before performing the action?
  • Tell users what steps to take to avoid bodily injury or property damage?


ALL or most steps must have relevant images.

  • Are the images descriptive?
  • Are the images placed/integrated with the coordinating step(s)?
  • Are all images aligned with the text and/or other images? (not in “numbers” column)
  • Does the writer use captions, callouts or arrows, etc., to help clarify images?
  • Are the images professional and clean (not cartoonish or distorted)?
  • Are the images consistent in size, type, and placement?


  • Does the writer give sufficient information to allow users to perform steps?
  • Are the steps presented in a numbered list? (steps must not be bulleted)
  • Does the writer use the active voice and action verbs?
  • Is there adequate white space between steps to decrease visual clutter?
  • Is there one action per step?
  • Are action steps distinguished from notes, cautions, and warnings?
  • Has the writer grouped related steps under action-oriented headings (if applicable)?
  • Does the writer tell users what to do in case of a mistake or unexpected result?
  • Is there a troubleshooting section at the end of the instructions, or are tips and/or notes to resolve problems given throughout the instructions as problems might arise?
  • Is the alignment clean? (Numbers in ‘numbers column;’ text in the ‘text column,’ etc.)

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