Moraine Valley Community College Our Roles in Supporting Forestry Discussion
Question Description
I’m working on a writing project and need guidance to help me study.
: This assignment will be divided into two parts. The first will include the planningbehind an integrated unit plan that you will create. The second will involve the development andimplementation of lessons from that original unit.
Part A (50 points):Answer these questions regarding a unit of at least three weeks in complete sentences.
Although you do not need to write out the questions themselves, please include the number ofthe question with your response.
1. What is the topic or theme of your unit? What is the grade level for whom it is intended? Atwhat time of the year will the unit be implemented? For what length of time is the unit intended?(4 points)
2. What are four instructional goals of the unit? (4 points)
3. Which core subjects and personnel will be involved in the implementation of the unit? (Theremust be at least three different core subjects involved.) (3 points)
4. Which special subjects and personnel will be involved in the implementation of your unit?(There must be at least two different special subjects involved.) (2 points)
5. What five Common Core Standards, New Generation Science Standards, and/or Illinois StateStandard benchmarks will be addressed within the unit? (These must come from at least threedifferent subject areas.) (5 points)
6. What are four prior skills that this unit is intended to reinforce? (4 points)
7. What are eight specific new student skills or behaviors that you hope to have demonstrated inthe unit? (8 points)
8. What resources will you and/or the students need in the implementation of the unit? (5 points)
9. What is one topic of each designated day? What is one diagnostic, formative and/orsummative assessment each day? Indicate whether the assessment is diagnostic, formative, orsummative. (This may appear in calendar format.) (15 points)
Part B (100 points):Create five lesson plans from different content areas within the unit. These plans should includetheir designated numerical place in the overall plan (e.g., Lesson 3), the specific objective(s),the relevant Common Core Standard(s), New Generation Science Standards, and/or IllinoisState Standard benchmark(s), special materials needed, the procedures including designatedtime allotted for each segment of the lesson, differentiation, and assessments. (50 points) Note:EDU 525 students must submit an additional 3 potential lessons from the unit; these lessonsshould involve research on your part (and/or on the part of the students).Create a letter or opening activity that you would use to garner student interest in your unit. Thismust be the actual document that you would give to your students. (5 points)Compose an actual assignment that would be used in the unit itself. This assignment must be instudent-friendly language and must integrate at least two of the core subjects. It may be inconjunction with one of the lesson plans that you have created but it does not necessarily needto be so. You only need to include an explanation of how the core subjects are integrated if youbelieve the assignment does not clearly indicate that. (5 points)Compose an actual assignment that would be used in the unit itself. This assignment must be instudent-friendly language and must integrate at least one of the special subjects. It may be inconjunction with one of the lesson plans that you have created but it does not necessarily needto be so. You only need to include an explanation of how the special subject is integrated if youbelieve the assignment does not clearly indicate that. (5 points)Create an evaluation of the unit that you would give to students and/or teachers at the end ofthe implementation of the unit. The purpose of this tool would be to gather information regardingachievement, attitudes, etc., and would assist you in the revision of the unit itself. This should bethe actual instrument that you would give to the individuals whom you have selected. You onlyneed to include an explanation of the evaluation if you believe that the purpose is unclear. (5points)Compose a reference list of sources (according to APA guidelines) used to create the unitand/or that would be used within the unit itself. You must have at least five sources (outside ofthe text). Note: EDU 525 students should include the additional sources that they used forresearch here as well. (5 points)On the day that this assignment is due, prepare to engage the class in one of the activities fromyour unit plan. This activity should be between twenty and twenty-five minutes in length. (Knowthat I will stop you at twenty-five minutes.) Please prepare and distribute a lesson planaccording to the aforementioned guidelines; it may be the actual lesson plan that you would usein the unit or an abbreviated one for the sake of the allotted time. This part of the assignment isworth 25 points and is evaluated in the following way:1. Did you create and distribute lesson plans according to the given directions? (5 points)2. Did you integrate two subjects in the activity that you implemented? (5 points)3. Did you engage the class in a well-organized and purposeful activity? (10 points)4. Did you meaningfully engage in (and provide feedback in regard to) others presentations? (5 points)
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