MGT 441 SLU Bribing Act Looked at As Bad Discussion
Question Description
I’m working on a business writing question and need a sample draft to help me study.
For part A and B, these are discussion responses. Please write 150-250 words each.
Part A (1)
To bribe someone is looked at as bad, and or looked down upon. When you think of bribing, you think of someone trying to get out of something they could potentially get in trouble for. I look at bribing as almost blackmailing in certain situations. If you dont give me the answers to your test, then Im going to tell the teacher you were texting on your phone. In a sense its very similar to a bribe. A bribe is defined as money or favor given or promised in order to influence the judgment or conduct of a person in a position of trust police officers accused of taking bribes.( Merriam Webster, n.d.). I do not believe a shareholder should pay for bribes, or do business with someone who does. Saint Leo takes pride in their mission and they values of what it means to be apart of Saint Leo. One value that stands out to me, is stewardship, youre taking care of something such as your job, a business, and or your employees. You are supervising, and making sure things run smoothly and mesh well (Saint Leo University, n.d.). You cannot mix a bribe with stewardship as their meaning and morals dont match a person or business who tries to get by with unfair intentions. Bribery is does not practice stewardship and does not look out for the best interest of others, but their own.
Merriam Webster (n.d.), Bribe,
Saint Leo University (n.d.), Mission & Core Values,
Part A (2)
I think in doing business abroad and trying to maintain integrity is a can be a grey area. The company will for sure always want to maximize shareholders wealth and in some cases maybe trying to keep up with what the “competition” is doing. Other countries would take advantage of competitors and many rules maybe broken. So I wouldn’t say yes or no there would be a conflict but it’s possible to loose your edge against the competition that aren’t playing by the rules.
However, organizations should strive to maintain good ethics and a moralized culture. If ethics are poor then eventually the entire organization will be rotten to it’s core unless a whistle blower steps up. The quick measures can destroy the company in the long run.
It can be a conflict if they get caught but it can be a positive if it’s a success. I wouldn’t recommend bribing anyone for anything at any level. They may gain profit for a short period but the results in end in at higher price and really hurt the shareholders as well.
Part B (1)
When I began this class, I had very little knowledge of labor unions and what the purpose of them was. Looking back, I have realized that I have learn a ton about labor unions and how much they impact peoples lives. My view on labor unions has not really changed to be quite honest because even though I knew very little about the process and politics of them, I still knew they were meant for the working-class people. I am a believer that this country is powered by the working-class. In terms on if I would join a labor union or not, I certainly would because it adds a process of receiving benefits for the work I do. This is a very important part of my decision because working in an unethical environment is not something, I would be interested in. It is important for employees voices to be heard within the company that they are employed. This is the entire purpose of the labor unions within the United States, Labor unions in the United States are organizations that represent workers in many industries recognized under US labor law since the 1935 enactment of the National Labor Relations Act (Wikimedia Foundation). As this class has gone it has been an incredible experience learning more about the rights the United State has put in place to protect its people.
Part B (2)
As I have gone through this course, I feel that my views and understanding of unions have changed. Prior to this course, I had little knowledge about unions and the advantages and disadvantages associated with them. Prior to creating my own company, I had never worked in a company where employees were a part of a union or thought of joining a union, we were all treated fairly by the employer, and our wages and benefits satisfied our needs. However, I know not all employees are fortunate to have a good working relationship with their employer. Throughout this course, I have seen multiple cases where employees are treated unfairly, and in some cases, disrespected by their employer. Their views and rights were often disregarded by the employer.
Now that I have taken this course, I realize that in today’s society, unions play a very important role in the workplaceUnion’s balance power between ownership, management, and labor. They enable employees to resolve workplace issues by giving them a unified voice. Unions also work to set the standard for employee wages, required skill levels, and working conditions. Union’s provide employees with protection and hold the employer accountable for their actions.
Initially, when asked this same question in week one, the dues, fees, and fines associated with unions were very unattractive to me. According to ANH, in 2018, the average union member paid approximately $400 annually to their union (Adams, Nash, Haskell, & Sheridan, 2019). However, I have since realized that the cost of the fees is offset because unions promote higher wages for union members and better benefits (Fossum, 2015, p. 5). Unionized workers earn approximately 28% higher wages than their counterparts (AFSCME, 2021).
As an entrepreneur being part of a union is not appealing to me. As an entrepreneur, I value individuality which is something unions discourage. I do not believe that employees should be bound by the decisions of the union regardless if they disagree with the decision. I also do not believe that one’s seniority should impact one’s ability to move up in a company. Whoever is better-qualified for a position should be the person given that position. However, I do believe that there are certain situations and career fields where joining a union would be very appealing. For instance, if I were a policeman, teacher, or nurse, being part of a union would be appealing because they offer protection to those employees.
Adams, Nash, Haskell, & Sheridan, (2019). What is the cost of unions?
AFSCME. (2021). Why form a union?,Labor’s%20Bureau%20of%20Labor%20Statistics.
Fossum, J.A. (2015). Labor relations: Development, structure, process (12th ed.). McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
Also for part 1 you can use websites as resources. But for part 2 it is required that you use 1 website and one reference from the book. The book is in the files that are attached.
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