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MGMT 601 University Canada West Rhythm of Change Leadership Article Review

Question Description

I’m working on a business presentation and need support to help me study.

Choose a 12-15-page article related to the chapters assigned to you by the professor. Articles must come from an Academic journal on the list provided below. If you need help choosing a journal, you can consult a librarian or UCW writing coach.

Before you start working on your article review, you should thoroughly explore the grading rubric at the end of this instruction and clearly identify key elements based on which your work will be assessed.

In your Article Review, you should describe the content of the article chosen, identifying key assumptions and conclusions of the authors and giving your opinion on them. The main focus must be on providing a critical analysis of the article, using criteria mentioned in the Part A, B and C of the grading rubric below. Your analysis should lead to a justified conclusion: whether you will recommend this article to your colleagues and classmates or not and why. You also need to briefly assess relevance/applicability of the concepts of the article in both overall business settings and personal work settings.


?Critical thinking must be demonstrated to get a good mark

  • Address at least four of the categories provided in the grading rubric below: Purpose and Audience, Authority, Accuracy & Reliability, Objectivity, Currency, and Coverage
  • Present the article review to class in no more than 12 minutes.
  • Your Article Review should be at least 1000 words and upload it to TurnitIn on time.
  • Complete an APA reference
  • Submit a copy of the article and the summary via TurnitIn before class begins, on the due date. Anyone that does not upload the summery on the due date will face a regular late penalty of 10%/day.

This assignment holds a value of 10% of your final mark.

Marks are assigned as per the Grading Rubric in this instruction.

Part A (40%) -Provide a brief summary of the important points the author makes (no more than 2-3 slides) about the subject, and give your opinion supported by reasons and the author’s perspective

Part B (15%) – Address four of the categories below:

Purpose and Audience, Authority, Accuracy & Reliability, Objectivity, Currency, and Coverage

Part C – (35%) – Identify the most interesting thing(s) you learned about the article’s subject. How can you use what you have learned at work and in your business career? Why (or why not) would you recommend this article to others?

Part D – (10%) – Professionalism, Grammar, Format, Presentation skills, and references

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