KSU Access Quality Service & Healthcare Providers Open System for Diabetic Patient Essay
Question Description
I’m working on a communications multi-part question and need an explanation to help me study.
Learning Objectives:
1. To consider the information needs of patients and consumers.
2. To gain experience creating effective health information systems that meet those needs.
3. To plan the use of measures that will ensure the privacy and security of health
This complete assignment is worth a total of 60 points. (Part 1=30 points and Part 2=30 points).
Recall the design of your Open System in Part 1. Now consider privacy and security measures
that you would implement to ensure the privacy of your patients and security of their health
information. Using the information in your readings, lecture presentations, and at least 2
additional sources, write a two to three page paper describing privacy and security measures you
would implement in the Open System you presented in Part 1. Give a brief overview of your
Open Source system in your introduction. An abstract is not required.
Content (15 points)
Thoroughly addresses all prompt questions given in the directions, includes specific and detailed
examples of experiences in the practicum, and provides an in-depth analysis of what was learned
through the project and how it might be applied in the future. Connects to text, readings, CLM
Program Outcomes, Competencies, and Foundational Elements in an appropriate and meaningful
way. (Grad Students Only: Include a thorough review of 8-10 research articles related to a
leadership theory in your textbook and clearly connect them to your practicum experiences.)
Readability, Organization, and Style (10 points)
Includes a clear organizational structure that the reader can follow: clear introduction, body,
conclusion, and transitions that connect the ideas together. Uses clear and concise language that
utilizes active voice (not passive voice) and defines any unfamiliar jargon.
Mechanics (5 points)
Follows APA format appropriately in terms of format and source citation (in-text and on the
references page) when applicable; follows conventions of the English language (grammar,
spelling, sentence/paragraph structure, etc.). No more than 10% of the paper is directly quoted
from other sources.
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